Well, that's it. Discovery has graced the skies of the UK for the last time. I felt so priviledged to see it for a few minutes as a very faint dot just a few minutes after sunset tonight, closely followed by the ISS - it will land just 1.5 hours before it would pass again tomorrow - I think this will take a while to sink in. Wow. If I ever see Discovery in a museum again in the future, I will think of the amazing brightness it gave the ISS for a few days, and the beautiful passes of tonight and yesterday when it was falling away from the station - chasing it across the sky as if it doesn't want to leave. I will always remember how it fought with the sunset glow to shine for me one last time. The Shuttle was leading the station today, and I saw them both about a minute apart for a few minutes in the light evening sky. Priceless memories. George Kristiansen ( http://gkastro.tk/ ). _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-l
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