Observations 09 Mar 2011 ---------------------------- Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System). Camera mount now carries two systems that can be operated together as two totally different sytems and computers used. Generally the DSI Pro II camera will be used for high altitude slow moving objects. Tests seem to indicate that its sensitivity is comparable to the MINTRON ( possibly better) but as its not possible (?) to time stamp to better than 1 second accuracy the time resolution is not good enough for LEO objects. Meade DSI Pro II Monochrome CCD camera without filters. using integration times of 05 sec. Used with 12.5mm focal length f/1.8 lens,field of view 26.5 x 21.4 degrees. Stellar limit about magnitude +9 to +9 depending on elevation ( city sky brightness). Exposure time to nearest second inserted into image FITS header from PC clock which is checked against GPS signal. Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude -33.94058 deg, Elevation 10 metres-situated in Pinelands (Cape Town),South Africa POSSIBLE X37B - OTV-2 37375 11 010A 0433 G 20110309033155000 18 15 1514570+331407 39 +035 05 37375 11 010A 0433 G 20110309033149000 18 15 1529020+342907 39 +035 05 37375 11 010A 0433 G 20110309033155000 18 15 1542370+352149 39 +035 05 37375 11 010A 0433 G 20110309033202000 18 15 1555050+361650 39 +035 05 37375 11 010A 0433 G 20110309033208000 18 15 1608260+370607 39 +035 05 37375 11 010A 0433 G 20110309033214000 18 15 1620150+374216 39 +035 05 Notes: --------------- (1) Possible observation of USA 226, using a wide angle system on the CCD camera. The video system used a narrower field of view and missed the object. (2) Hopefully will be able to confirm the orbit tomorrow morning - if I can stay awake - been running short of sleep the past few days! Cheers Greg _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-l
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