Mir (16609) and Soyuz T-15 (16643)

From: Igor Lissov (lissov-i@yandex.ru)
Date: Wed Mar 09 2011 - 11:41:54 UTC

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "RE: Mir (16609) and Soyuz T-15 (16643)"

    Trying to compile a story of the first and only travel of Soyuz T-15
    between two space stations, Mir and Salyut 7 twenty five years ago 
    in 1986, I've found no archive TLEs available of both Mir (16609) 
    and Soyuz T-15 (16643) from DOY 174 till DOY 219. Only TLEs for 
    Salyut 7 exist for this time frame.
    Does anybody have access to archive TLEs for Mir and/or Soyuz T-15 
    for the latest month of Soyuz flight, from DOY 174 (June 23) till
    the landing on July 16? This period encompass the backwards flight
    from Salyut 7 to Mir which is interesting to follow.
    Also, I found that in March-June 1986 orbit of Mir was held within 
    0.35 degrees in RAAN from Salyut 7 and along track separation was
    within -19000 to +4300 km. At least three times, on DOY 67, 103 
    and 126, and probably once more in the end of June the two passed 
    near each other. I wonder if anybody watched these interesting events.
    Igor Lissov
    Seesat-l mailing list

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