Obs for Mar. 12

From: Bill Arnold (barnold86@cableone.net)
Date: Sun Mar 13 2011 - 13:09:05 UTC

  • Next message: Giuseppe N. Gerbore: "Sidereal Tracking vs Fixed Scope"

    Pretty good night even with the Moon.
    25544 98 067A   0000 G 20110313003400000 56 Nice bright pass.
    25344 98 032C   0000 G 20110313004150000 56
    13923 83 022A   0000 G 20110313004240000 56
    06061 72 043B   0000 G 20110313004630000 56
    13402 82 079A   0000 G 20110313004850000 56
    36597 10 027B   0000 G 20110313004940000 56
    06218 72 076C   0000 G 20110313005550000 56
    37162 10 046A   0000 G 20110313005555000 56
    07071 74 071B   0000 G 20110313010020000 56
    35636 09 039B   0000 G 20110313010110000 56 1st observation of this satellite.
    10954 78 062B   0000 G 20110313010230000 56
    16969 86 073A   0000 G 20110313010440000 56
    20788 90 081A   0000 G 20110313010530000 56
    08294 75 087B   0000 G 20110313010600000 56
    36414 10 009B   0000 G 20110313014010000 56
    36413 10 009A   0000 G 20110313014010000 56
    36415 10 009C   0000 G 20110313014010000 56
    Woolmarket, Mississippi (USA)
    10X50 Binoculars
    lat. 30:29:07.3 N, long. -89:00:09.7 W, elev. 15 m.
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