Optical 27 Feb 2015

From: Greg Roberts via Seesat-l <seesat-l_at_satobs.org>
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 2015 11:32:11 +0200
Observations 27 Feb 2015

Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).

FLI ML8300M CCD camera with mechanical shutter + Trimble GPS

Used with 102mm aperture f/5 SKYWATCHER refractor, fitted with
home made focal reducer changing telescope focal length to 306.2mm
and thus an f/3.00 system.

Field of view increased from 123 x 93 arc minutes to 3.36 x 2.53

Image scale used 14.53 arc seconds per pixel (4 binning) and
7.26 arc sec per pixel(2 binning)for high altitude satellites

All images processed automatically by APEX.

Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude -33.94058 deg,
Elevation 10 metres-situated in Pinelands (Cape Town),South Africa

12046 80 087A   0433 P 20150227192345391 16 15 1030413+084246 28 +135 01
12046 80 087A   0433 P 20150227192423413 16 15 1031174+084013 68 +128 04
12046 80 087A   0433 P 20150227192505258 16 15 1031581+083754 58 +122 24
12046 80 087A   0433 P 20150227192537650 16 15 1032287+083518 38 +126 00
12046 80 087A   0433 P 20150227192746018 16 15 1034310+082642 58 +137 07
12046 80 087A   0433 P 20150227192820165 16 15 1035036+082432 38 +140 06
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227184808911 16 15 0657413+211301 28 +139 01
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227184850215 16 15 0658228+211155 38 +145 05
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227184923935 16 15 0658566+211110 48 +140 04
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227185006968 16 15 0659400+210929 38 +135 03
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227185120414 16 15 0700540+210736 28 +141 16
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227185158435 16 15 0701325+210538 88 +131 06
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227185233755 16 15 0702080+210506 38 +136 04
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227185304739 16 15 0702393+210405 28 +140 19
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227185335363 16 15 0703098+210257 28 +133 02
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227185405614 16 15 0703404+210213 28 +132 02
13086 82 019A   0433 P 20150227185459378 16 15 0704349+210100 38 +092 02
14729 84 012D   0433 P 20150227183824934 16 15 0210191-225216 28
14729 84 012D   0433 P 20150227183835797 16 15 0210379-242200 18
14729 84 012D   0433 P 20150227184013126 16 15 0211553-383904 19
14729 84 012D   0433 P 20150227184143227 16 15 0209057-524259 28
14729 84 012D   0433 P 20150227184149433 16 15 0208382-534321 28
14729 84 012D   0433 P 20150227184155649 16 15 0208112-543947 28
20355 89 090B   0433 P 20150227200552309 16 15 0732095+245945 28 +101 01
20355 89 090B   0433 P 20150227200702881 16 15 0733243+245956 28 +098 01
20355 89 090B   0433 P 20150227200800358 16 15 0734255+250002 28 +098 01
20355 89 090B   0433 P 20150227200832261 16 15 0734593+250005 38 +098 01
20355 89 090B   0433 P 20150227200951645 16 15 0736242+250012 18 +098 01
28637 05 011B   0433 P 20150227181846172 16 15 1817449-755705 28
28637 05 011B   0433 P 20150227181853924 16 15 1828179-765055 29
28637 05 011B   0433 P 20150227181927995 16 15 1948021-803415 28
28637 05 011B   0433 P 20150227181934191 16 15 2012121-810720 28
28637 05 011B   0433 P 20150227181941923 16 15 2047193-813949 28
29242 06 024C   0433 P 20150227191512219 16 15 0921194+125543 28 +112 00
29242 06 024C   0433 P 20150227191604057 16 15 0922136+125551 18 +126 02
29242 06 024C   0433 P 20150227191646024 16 15 0922579+125555 38 +136 04
29242 06 024C   0433 P 20150227191725857 16 15 0923397+125606 28 +142 12
31797 07 030A   0433 P 20150227182801002 16 15 1621093-731800 58
31797 07 030A   0433 P 20150227182810321 16 15 1615170-745458 28
31797 07 030A   0433 P 20150227182827391 16 15 1558185-781507 28
31797 07 030A   0433 P 20150227182855275 16 15 1418518-843925 28
31797 07 030A   0433 P 20150227182943406 16 15 0553537-730802 28
38094 12 009B   0433 P 20150227185715437 16 15 0910155+172726 18 +108 54
38094 12 009B   0433 P 20150227185805163 16 15 0910461+172924 18 +108 00
38094 12 009B   0433 P 20150227185837023 16 15 0911032+173057 38 +109 02
38094 12 009B   0433 P 20150227185909411 16 15 0911247+173202 28 +107 02

26471 00 046C   0433 P 20150227191512219 16 15 0921282+122710 28 +109 00
26471 00 046C   0433 P 20150227191604057 16 15 0922437+122643 18 +103 02
26471 00 046C   0433 P 20150227191646024 16 15 0923449+122622 28 +101 02
26471 00 046C   0433 P 20150227191725857 16 15 0924423+122604 28 +103 03
26471 00 046C   0433 P 20150227191758921 16 15 0925300+122549 28 +105 02
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181926445 16 15 2007040-820312 38
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181927995 16 15 2005405-820653 28
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181929536 16 15 2004166-821032 28
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181931085 16 15 2002486-821413 28
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181932641 16 15 2001197-821753 38
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181934191 16 15 1959523-822129 28
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181935732 16 15 1958210-822501 38
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181937281 16 15 1956483-822836 28
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181938832 16 15 1955131-823214 28
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181940391 16 15 1953387-823542 28
33106 08 032B   0433 P 20150227181941923 16 15 1952019-823914 28

(1) Conditions poor - moon too bright for optical system-could not do
     long enough exposures to clearly show geosats. Wind also a problem
     with vibration of telescope, so abandoned session.


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Received on Sun Mar 01 2015 - 03:33:07 UTC

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