LB Obs 2015 Mar 17

From: Leo Barhorst via Seesat-l <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 15:59:18 +0100
Hazy sky with thin clouds. Only the brighter satellites imaged.

28541 05 004C   4172 G 20150317020255719 17 25 2224047+565428 37 S
28537 05 004A   4172 G 20150317020305722 17 25 2213164+542526 37 S
20642 90 050E   4172 G 20150317022505691 17 25 2253807+594682 37 S
31702 07 027B   4172 G 20150317025645686 17 25 1950382+505149 37 I
31702 07 027B   4172 G 20150317025655683 17 25 1947633+474092 37 S
28647 05 016B   4172 G 20150317030846696 17 25 1854148+453532 37 S
28647 05 016B   4172 G 20150317030855707 17 25 1901508+414806 37 S
38346 12 025G   4172 G 20150317031205476 17 25 1904114+405705 37 S
38346 12 025G   4172 G 20150317031205133 17 25 1902551+404302 37 S
24753 97 012A   4172 G 20150317034225707 17 25 1934580+521192 37 S
24753 97 012A   4172 G 20150317034235704 17 25 1913443+494415 37 S
38109 12 014A   4172 G 20150317042105721 17 25 2101132+402375 37 S
38109 12 014A   4172 G 20150317042115723 17 25 2057185+424055 37 S
38109 12 014A   4172 G 20150317042125719 17 25 2052914+450438 37 S
28538 05 004B   4172 G 20150317044525713 17 25 2213963+594882 37 S
28538 05 004B   4172 G 20150317044535715 17 25 2227914+585415 37 F

31702 07 027B   |  0.02735 deg    1.270 sec   4.0 day, 1181.6 km
31702 07 027B   |  0.01894 deg    1.209 sec   4.0 day, 1204.6 km
28647 05 016B   | -0.04810 deg   -1.767 sec   4.0 day, 807.8 km
28647 05 016B   | -0.02684 deg   -1.767 sec   4.0 day, 839.4 km

The residuals of the other classified satellites are low.
Setup: WATEC 120N, 50 mm F1:1.8, NTP, Celestron Nexstar
Observations made and reduced with Sattools
Cospar 4172 ALMERE 52.3713 N 5.2580 E –3 ASL
Best regards     Leo Barhorst

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Received on Tue Mar 17 2015 - 09:59:55 UTC

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