LB Obs 2015 Mar 18

From: Leo Barhorst via Seesat-l <>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 07:48:55 +0100
Clear night but towards dawn fog was forming.
See below for some higher residuals.

35938 09 052B   4172 G 20150318014226338 17 25 1713343+243836 37 S
35938 09 052B   4172 G 20150318014236335 17 25 1716652+230552 37 S
35938 09 052B   4172 G 20150318014246336 17 25 1719760+213686 37 S
35937 09 052A   4172 G 20150318015306316 17 25 1705007+225660 37 S
35937 09 052A   4172 G 20150318015316316 17 25 1708569+212259 37 S
31702 07 027B   4172 G 20150318023806345 17 25 1944459+501519 37 F
31702 07 027B   4172 G 20150318023816342 17 25 1941276+470917 37 F
31702 07 027B   4172 G 20150318023821359 17 25 1940050+453837 37 S
28537 05 004A   4172 G 20150318030901319 17 25 2242421+622298 37 S
28537 05 004A   4172 G 20150318030906334 17 25 2237417+612675 37 S
28541 05 004C   4172 G 20150318030911313 17 25 2239492+613846 37 S
28537 05 004A   4172 G 20150318030916340 17 25 2228086+593152 37 S
28541 05 004C   4172 G 20150318030916340 17 25 2234627+604136 37 S
28537 05 004A   4172 G 20150318030926337 17 25 2220117+573641 37 S
28541 05 004C   4172 G 20150318030926337 17 25 2225847+584614 37 S
28537 05 004A   4172 G 20150318030931354 17 25 2216496+563892 37 S
28541 05 004C   4172 G 20150318030936334 17 25 2218209+565031 37 S
05682 71 110E   4172 G 20150318031006334 17 25 2231615+581403 37 S
20692 90 050D   4172 G 20150318032356325 17 25 0007127+493446 37 S
24753 97 012A   4172 G 20150318032436323 17 25 0001117+483146 37 S
07816 75 043A   4172 G 20150318034826315 17 25 0609383+731750 37 S
18009 87 043E   4172 G 20150318035406319 17 25 0910919+630738 37 S
18009 87 043E   4172 G 20150318035416317 17 25 0925964+651937 37 S
24971 97 057A   4172 G 20150318040236333 17 25 0919040+605486 37 S
24971 97 057A   4172 G 20150318040246330 17 25 0944525+585079 37 S
13992 83 031B   4172 G 20150318041548663 17 25 1030546+395021 37 S
13992 83 031B   4172 G 20150318041556349 17 25 1041543+390906 37 S
13992 83 031B   4172 G 20150318041606346 17 25 1056010+380631 37 S
31702 07 027B   4172 G 20150318041926331 17 25 1030619+400512 37 R
31702 07 027B   4172 G 20150318041936316 17 25 1041823+402047 37 R
31702 07 027B   4172 G 20150318041946318 17 25 1053777+403038 37 R
28647 05 016B   4172 G 20150318044407341 17 25 1254932+133623 37 S
28647 05 016B   4172 G 20150318044416330 17 25 1306848+123464 37 S

35937 09 052A   | -0.05711 deg   -6.331 sec  13.0 day, 1817.4 km
35937 09 052A   | -0.08469 deg   -6.309 sec  13.0 day, 1859.5 km

20692 90 050D   |  0.02757 deg    0.345 sec   6.0 day, 1887.4 km

18009 87 043E   | -0.09471 deg   -2.051 sec  10.0 day, 1267.4 km
18009 87 043E   | -0.10135 deg   -2.058 sec  10.0 day, 1226.6 km

28647 05 016B   | -0.03393 deg   -2.298 sec   5.1 day, 1155.9 km
28647 05 016B   | -0.03983 deg   -2.271 sec   5.1 day, 1134.6 km

The residuals of the other classified satellites are low.
Setup: WATEC 120N, 50 mm F1:1.8, NTP, Celestron Nexstar
Observations made and reduced with Sattools
Cospar 4172 ALMERE 52.3713 N 5.2580 E –3 ASL
Best regards     Leo Barhorst 37 S

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