LB Obs 2015 Mar 26

From: Leo Barhorst via Seesat-l <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 13:49:01 +0100
After a clouded day with rain showers it cleared during the night. It was
clear at 01:30 UT and I set up the camera and selected the targets.
Towards dawn clouds from the next front were low in the west.
When reducing the images this afternoon it turned out that there had been
more clouds shortly after I set up the camera. At 03:50 UT it became clear
till dawn. A few satellites were imaged in between the clouds.

20978 90 105A   4172 G 20150326015610742 17 25 1853368+412745 37 S
20978 90 105A   4172 G 20150326015615122 17 25 1845838+402616 37 S
27431 02 024B   4172 G 20150326023553352 17 25 2243056+462564 37 S
24971 97 057A   4172 G 20150326025832006 17 25 2356445+574649 37 S
25860 99 039A   4172 G 20150326033423348 17 25 2237285+741478 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150326035335334 17 25 2055545+513798 37 S
38758 12 048A   4172 G 20150326035343339 17 25 2058372+511782 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150326035343339 17 25 2108405+512999 37 S
38758 12 048A   4172 G 20150326035353340 17 25 2114076+510766 37 S
38773 12 048P   4172 G 20150326035353340 17 25 2123619+511367 37 S
38758 12 048A   4172 G 20150326035400354 17 25 2124544+505480 37 S
23233 94 057A   4172 G 20150326040936345 17 25 2135656+472326 37 R
23233 94 057A   4172 G 20150326040943363 17 25 2122984+461145 37 R
23233 94 057A   4172 G 20150326040953361 17 25 2105150+441420 37 R
27392 02 012B   4172 G 20150326041315355 17 25 2126481+482759 37 S
27392 02 012B   4172 G 20150326041321368 17 25 2105555+450429 37 S
32376 07 059A   4172 G 20150326041524357 17 25 2105974+435996 37 S
32376 07 059A   4172 G 20150326041533368 17 25 2120628+480431 37 S
28054 03 048A   4172 G 20150326042353336 17 25 2232226+562583 37 S
28054 03 048A   4172 G 20150326042403331 17 25 2209650+552689 37 S
28054 03 048A   4172 G 20150326042408359 17 25 2158630+545049 37 S

38773 12 048P   |  0.03151 deg    2.719 sec  18.4 day, 1383.2 km
38758 12 048A   |  0.03036 deg    2.483 sec  18.4 day, 1392.5 km

28054 03 048A   | -0.20028 deg   -1.569 sec  22.0 day, 1156.1 km

The residuals of the other classified satellites are low.
Setup: WATEC 120N, 50 mm F1:1.8, NTP, Celestron Nexstar + fixed pos.
Observations made and reduced with Sattools
Cospar 4172 ALMERE 52.3713 N 5.2580 E –3 ASL
Best regards     Leo Barhorst

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Received on Thu Mar 26 2015 - 07:49:31 UTC

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