Surprised it cleared sooner than predicted. Last night was too windy to show the nearly 400 guests at our club public night anything through my scope or look at any satellites; they could use the dome scope but the line was enormous. 39475 13 072P 8336 G 20150330012811870 17 25 0257089+024905 98 H+030 10 39475 13 072P 8336 G 20150330012818560 17 25 0250098+041561 28 H 28096 03 054B 8336 G 20150330014851480 17 25 0531854-020165 28 R 28096 03 054B 8336 G 20150330014858450 17 25 0535913-031126 38 R 28096 03 054B 8336 G 20150330014903310 17 25 0538382-040324 28 R 25724 99 023A 8336 G 20150330015750270 17 25 0953418-121848 58 25724 99 023A 8336 G 20150330015809430 17 25 1008942-110191 58 25725 99 023B 8336 G 20150330020320790 17 25 1046729-172112 58 05679 71 110B 8336 G 20150330022033960 17 25 1021934+085893 38 M+040 10 05679 71 110B 8336 G 20150330022042030 17 25 1023254+063321 38 M 23936 96 029E 8336 G 20150330024340740 17 25 0959992-005718 18 23936 96 029E 8336 G 20150330024342650 17 25 1000433-011772 48 37229 10 062H 8336 G 20150330024655840 17 25 1258151+661778 28 37229 10 062H 8336 G 20150330024706980 17 25 1319187+665987 28 FPAS12,12532,R8336A,20150330,015412,1s,-,36.1,-95.9,201,SUBP,RNN,k,24s,5,k,G1CkNNN,N,-,-,-,-,-,-,-; FPAS12,12930,R8336B,20150330,025216,1s,-,36.1,-95.9,201,FSBP,Gkk,k,1s,3,k,G1SkNNT,R,10.2,-2,1,397.0 0.5 007 66.167 F,-,-,-; Brad Young Bright:20 x 80 Celestron binoculars parallelogram tripod Dim:22" f/4.2 UC Obsession _at_ 100x Numbers above and methods explained at: COSPAR 8336 =TULSA1 +36.139208,-95.983429 660ft, 201m COSPAR 8335 =TULSA2 +35.8311 -96.1411 1083ft, 330m _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list on Sun Mar 29 2015 - 22:53:43 UTC
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