SeeSat-L May-96 by thread
Starting: Wed May 01 1996 - 00:00:-23537 MET
Ending: Sat Jun 01 1996 - 00:00:-47247 MET
Messages: 267
- MSX satellite Maley, Paul D.
- RE: KH 11-8, USA 86, 116 Ted Molczan
- Molniya flasher Tristan Cools
- Polar R decays Alan Pickup
- C* 2315 r, PPAS, bad elsets, etc. Walter Nissen
- About specific SpaceArt books Bram Dorreman
- Need New Titan IV Launch Elements
- Re: MSX to Release Subsat John C. Broman, Jr.
- Interesting Web sites Jeff Hunt
- new elsets Rainer Kracht
- MSX Testbed R.B. Minton
- Polar R postscripts Alan Pickup
- SatEvo decay list #4 Alan Pickup
- Re: C* 2315 r obs by Walter Nissen, bad elsets for 92 80A Mike McCants
- 94-074B/23343 obs. Doug Biggerstaff
- Obs 960505 morning Leo Barhorst
- Re: C* 2315 r obs by Walter Nissen Jim Varney
- Re: C* 2315 r obs by Walter Nissen Bart De Pontieu
- DRA-report: 95- 32 B top-priority Bart De Pontieu
- MSX elset - but 11d old R.B. Minton
- Re: MSX elset - but 11d old Alan Pickup
- Re: C* 2315 r obs by Walter Nissen Kurt Jonckheere
- Decay update Alan Pickup
- priroda
- Re: C* 2315 r obs by Walter Nissen Jim Varney
- Obs 960505 and 96-17 A+B Leo Barhorst
- Re: C* 2315 r obs by Walter Nissen Bart De Pontieu
- ALEXIS URL R.B. Minton
- Monitoring of Tselina (Ferret-D) satellites Walter Nissen
- Upcoming Titan-4/NUS Launch from VAFB John Pike
- RE: Upcoming Titan-4/NUS Launch from VAFB
- May Titan IV search elements wanted
- RE: Upcoming Titan-4/NUS Launch from VAFB Ted Molczan
- Decay of 96- 28 B Alan Pickup
- Re: 95-32 B and DRA Leo Barhorst
- Obs 960508 evening Leo Barhorst
- Search elements for May 12 VAFB Titan IV launch Ted Molczan
- Re: Search orbits for May 12 Titan
- Decay update Alan Pickup
- Acceleration Report 11 May '96 : 96- 17 B = 23828 Kurt Jonckheere
- Launch time for Titan-4/NUS Launch from VAFB
- 96-17 B Obs, 12 may 96
- 96 17B, 93 42C, 65 65C Jim Varney
- RE: Launch time for Titan-4/NUS Launch from VAFB Ted Molczan
- Titan IV launch time source
- ACCELERATION REPORT : 12 May 96: 94- 45 B Kurt Jonckheere
- For RB Minton Dennis Erickson
- Titan IV launch from VAFB Philip Chien
- Unkown observed Leo Barhorst
- 1932 UT Launch Search Elements (Titan IV)
- Re: Unknown observed Rainer Kracht
- Re: 96 17B, 93 42C, 65 65C JAY RESPLER
- Titan IV launched successfully at 21:32 UTC Ted Molczan
- SV: Search orbits for May 12 Titan
- Additional NOSS 2-3 search elements Ted Molczan
- Decay of Cosmos 2293 Bjoern Gimle
- MOS-1B 90-13 A 20478 Leo Barhorst
- Re: Unknown observed Leo Barhorst
- Decay of Cosmos 2293 imminent! Bjoern Gimle
- Cosmos 2293 decaying now Alan Pickup
- Decay update Alan Pickup
- Re: 65 65C Jim Varney
- Likely Titan IV Rocket OBS, 1045 UT, 14 May 96
- Titan IV (#80000) preliminary positions 14 May 96
- Ted Molczan's object #80000 OBS Walter Nissen
- RE: Titan IV (#80000) preliminary positions 14 May 96 Ted Molczan
- Re: 65 65C Tristan Cools
- Recent T-4 Payload John Pike
- SatEvo decay list #5 Alan Pickup
- Cosmos 2293 postscript Alan Pickup
- Five year old unknown observation identified? Ted Molczan
- Presumed Titan IV objects' flashing Ted Molczan
- Unidentified object on photo
- Titan #80000 AND #80001 Obs, 15 may 96
- Possible satellite in photo Rob Matson
- MSTI-3 Rob Matson
- #80000/#80001 Rainer Kracht
- Titan 4 R and NOSS 2-3 search orbits Bjoern Gimle
- MSTI-3 Rob Matson
- Kosmos 1867 is flashing ! Tristan Cools
- Observation of 80000 and 80001 Maley, Paul D.
- Ground Photos of satellites Jeff Hunt
- Acceleration Report : 16 May 96: 87- 60 A and 96- 17 B Kurt Jonckheere
- acceleration of Kosmos 1867 Tristan Cools
- Flashing USA 33?
- MSTI 3 Rob Matson
- NORAD catalogues Titan IV objects Ted Molczan
- NOSS 2-3 B (and A) timings ?
- Observations Maley, Paul D.
- Obs of Kosmos 1867 on 95358 Stephen Thompson
- Top 10 Walter Nissen
- 96-29B Rainer Kracht
- Could the Titan IV launch involve a Molniya payload? - Was NOSS 2-3 B (and A) timings ? Ted Molczan
- 96-29A Rainer Kracht
- Re: Could the Titan IV launch involve a Molniya payload? - Was John Pike
- 96-29A and B Rainer Kracht
- USA 119 Rk orbit Bjoern Gimle
- Decay update Alan Pickup
- 96-29A and B Rainer Kracht
- STS-77 Anthony Beresford
- NOSS 2-3 r??, PPAS, also C* 1378, NOAA 13 Walter Nissen
- Subscribers in the U.S.A. Baltimore/D.C. area Jeff Hunt
- 96-29A and B Rainer Kracht
- NOSS 2-3 search orbit Ted Molczan
- Re: Top 10 JAY RESPLER
- BWGS observing program May 1996 Bart De Pontieu
- Top-priority objects of the BWGS Bart De Pontieu
- Run Skymap 510 w/Win 95 Laureen M BeM Behling
- Disappearing satellites Allen Thomson
- Best & Brightest Top 10? R.B. Minton
- Launch site positions John C. Broman, Jr.
- 96-29B Tristan Cools
- Soviet Mars Probe Almost Caused World War 3! Larry Klaes
- Re: SATELLITE TIMES' WWW Sites Josh R. Williams
- Seesat in Satellite Times Josh R. Williams
- Obs 960519.LB Leo Barhorst
- Spartan & IA TLEs Jeff Hunt
- Delta Star & RME Rob Matson
- I'm Happy When I'm Blue Laureen M BeM Behling
- Lacrosse 1 Mike McCants
- Lacrosse 1 Mike McCants
- Decay update Alan Pickup
- Failed 1962 Mars Probe Jim Varney
- Failed 1962 Mars Probe Jim Varney
- Delta Star and Lacrosse, was re:Run Skymap 510 w/Win 95 Philip Chien
- top ten visual satellites Philip Chien
- Re: Run Skymap 510 w/Win 95 JAY RESPLER
- IAP seen in Texas
- Failed 1962 Mars Probe Robert Reeves
- STS-77 AND TITAN SEARCH Maley, Paul D.
- IAP, STS-77 this morning in So. Calif. Karl Cunningham
- STS-77 and C* 1975 Walter Nissen
- re: Delta Star & RME (tips) Walter Nissen
- Obs Leo Barhorst
- NOSS & spysats R.B. Minton
- Decay update: IAP & 80- 32 B Alan Pickup
- Can we observe satellites right after launch?
- RE: NOSS & spysats Ted Molczan
- Tether Sat Re-entered Bill Bard
- STS-77 observations Maley, Paul D.
- NOSS & Spysats (Cont'd) R.B. Minton
- IAE decay Alan Pickup
- Acceleration Report: 22 May 96 : 86- 30 B Kurt Jonckheere
- Titan payload found! Rainer Kracht
- Tether Sat Re-entered Philip Chien
- launch site positions Philip Chien
- Can we observe satellites right after launch? Philip Chien
- RE: NOSS & Spysats (Cont'd) Ted Molczan
- RE: NOSS & Spysats (Cont'd) John Pike
- RE: NOSS & Spysats (Cont'd) Larry Klaes
- RE: NOSS & Spysats (Cont'd) John Pike
- RE: Titan payload found! Ted Molczan
- Newspaper Announcements
- IAE re-entry time? William Leininger
- STS-77's laser observed Kalirai, Kulbinder
- Endeavour Transits James Byrd
- IAE re-entry time? Philip Chien
- Laser firing Maley, Paul D.
- 96-29A and B Rainer Kracht
- RE: 96-29A and B Ted Molczan
- FW: Laser firing Kulbinder Kalirai
- Intro-Sat Decay Predictions Laureen M BeM Behling
- Laser firing? Rob Matson
- STS-77 inclination query Stephen Thompson
- Re: Shuttle laser Leo Barhorst
- Laser firing Maley, Paul D.
- STS-77 inclination query Philip Chien
- STS-77 Reentry Viewing Info
- 96029A Observation Ted Molczan
- solar panel glints, welcome, STS-77 Walter Nissen
- Flash 101 available at e-mail/ftp/WWW archives Bart De Pontieu
- DECAY3BG - reply from the culprit
- Re: Deception, denial and disappearing satellites John Pike
- T4 observation Maley, Paul D.
- Correction Maley, Paul D.
- T4 observation Maley, Paul D.
- Future of Flash/archive's egrep function Bart De Pontieu
- No STS-77 laser today Kulbinder Kalirai
- 96-29A Rainer Kracht
- Lacrosse Sighting Rob Matson
- Spysat Stealth R.B. Minton
- TSS Findings R.B. Minton
- Positional Requirements R.B. Minton
- Decay update Alan Pickup
- Re: IAE Re-entry time? William Leininger
- STS-77 sighting from Japan Yoshiro Yamada
- GEO 331 observation Jay Respler
- MIR Space Station Myrton T. Smith II
- Re: Positional Requirements Lutz Schindler
- Failed 1962 Mars Probe Jay Respler
- RE: Failed 1962 Mars Probe Leo Barhorst
- 96-29A Rainer Kracht
- MSI payload observation? Anthony Beresford
- RE: 96-29A Ted Molczan
- SatEvo decay list #6 Alan Pickup
- Unknown obs identified Leo Barhorst
- Positional requirements Robert H. McNaught, Anglo-Australian Observatory
- STS-77 Sighting John Corby
- 96-29A Rainer Kracht
- 96-29A and 29B Rainer Kracht
- 96-29A,B orbits confirmed Brierley David UK
- Decay update Alan Pickup
- STS-77 Entry
- shuttle entry viewing times Richard Clark
- shuttle entry viewing times
- Jonathan's Space Report No. 288, 1996 May 28
- Re: shuttle entry times Richard Clark
- STS-77 Reentry Observed (!) Jim Varney
- Topaz element sets. Neil Clifford
- Re: STS-77 Entry Larry Klaes
- Re: STS-77 Reentry Observed (!) Joe Eiers
- STS-77 Reentry Observed (!) Thomas Ashcraft
- RE: shuttle entry viewing times
- STS-77 Reentry Lynn + Steve Walter / LAST Acre
- Re: STS-77 Reentry Observed (!) Floyd Weaver
- RE: Positional requirements Robert H. McNaught, Anglo-Australian Observatory
- MIR Space Station Philip Chien
- 96-29 trio deployment Russell Eberst
Last message date: Sat Jun 01 1996 - 00:00:-47247 MET
Archived on: Wed 22 Oct 1997 - 12:40:42 MET
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