Freeware program to compute GEOsat longitude and drift rate tables

From: Ted Molczan (
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 13:45:15 PDT

  • Next message: Robert G Fenske Jr: "Mars Odyssey rocket"

    I have written GEOLong.exe, a freeware MS-DOS program which computes the 24
    hour mean longitude and the drift rate/direction of GEOsats on a specific date.
    It finds all of the GEOsats in a NORAD 2-line elements source file specified by
    the user.
    GEOsats are filtered on the basis of maximum inclination, maximum eccentricity
    and maximum rate of drift. Users are prompted with default values, which they
    may change.
    The output is sorted on the basis of longitude, beginning with the most
    easterly and proceeding westward. Orbital inclination, perigee height, apogee
    height and the age of the elements are included for each object.
    Here is a sample of the first few lines of output:
                               Location of Geosats on 2001 May 27 UTC
    NORAD    Desig                Name                Inc   PER    APO     Long
    Drift   Age
                                                      deg    km     km      deg
    deg/d   days
    20918  1990-093A  Inmarsat II F-1                 1.8  35773  35801  179.0 E
    0.00 E     1
    24674  1996-070A  Inmarsat III F3                 0.1  35770  35804  178.0 E
    0.00 E    -0
    23124  1994-034A  Intelsat 702                    0.0  35777  35796  176.1 E
    0.00 E     2
    15825  1985-048C  Arabsat 1B                      7.0  35706  35804  175.7 E
    0.41 E     2
    14134  1983-059C  Palapa B1                       8.0  35768  35840  175.1 E
    0.22 W     2
    24846  1997-031A  Intelsat 802                    0.0  35773  35801  174.1 E
    0.00 E     2
    The program is less than 100k is size; I will be pleased to e-mail a copy to
    anyone upon request.
    Ted Molczan
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