Fw: STS-131 Discovery in orbit on April 19: in color

From: Ralf Vandebergh (ralf.vandebergh@home.nl)
Date: Sun May 02 2010 - 12:09:22 UTC

  • Next message: chiayk1@singnet.com.sg: "Iridium 37 -5 flare"

    subject: STS-131 Discovery in orbit , April 19 : in color
    Attached is the best result of the observations of STS-131 Discovery taken April 19 during
    it's solo flight after undock from the ISS. This image contains the original color information.
    As mentioned earlier, It was very surprising that the obtained resolution occured with a just 
    70 degrees pass, far from overhead, but the fact that the orbiter already descended a little 
    and the great seeing helped. 
    Interesting additional fact is that the imaging took place at the time that the volcanic ash
    cloud from Island covered the region. The cloud was very low density however, but
    skies were clearly more hazy then normal. It's not impossible that the dust worked out
    positively on the seeing. This is just a presumption.
    Ralf Vandebergh
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