BY PPAS to May 8

From: Brad Young (
Date: Tue May 11 2010 - 23:29:53 UTC

  • Next message: Marco Langbroek: "UNID, 9 May 2010"

    03- 49 A 10-05-05 02:32:51   BY  154.3 0.5  15 10.28  A; 6->7
    74- 56 A 10-05-05 02:40:29   BY   53.0 0.5   3 17.7   F; 2->inv neo
    09- 39 C 10-05-05 02:46:04   BY   97.3 9.9   2 49     M; 6->7
    82-  4 A 10-05-07 02:19:45   BY               258     F; 9->inv Note 1
    94-  9 B 10-05-07 05:01:40   BY  102.3 0.3 100  1.022 F: 11->12
    10- 17 B 10-05-07 09:23:02   BY  140.0 0.5   6 23.3   A; 5->7
    10- 17 A 10-05-07 09:37:25   BY                57     A'AA; 5->7 Note 2
    10- 13 B 10-05-07 10:33:12   BY   71.8 0.5   7 10.3   A; 3->5 Note 3
    77-114 A 10-05-08 02:59:12   BY               105     M; 11->12
    85- 84 D 10-05-08 03:10:56   BY   36.0 0.4  13  2.77  A; 9->11
    83- 41 A 10-05-08 03:13:47   BY   27.6 0.3  16  1.72  F; 11->inv Note 4
    09- 61 A 10-05-06 02:56:15   BY                       S; 5 neo
    78- 56 G 10-05-07 02:44:40   BY                       S; 10 Note 5
    74- 13 A 10-05-07 03:56:06   BY                       S; 8 37x
    10- 13 A 10-05-07 10:29:48   BY                       S; 5
    1) Only 1 cycle seen
    2) Needs confirmation, seems to be sets of 3 A maxima
    3) Steady until high in the east
    4) ID as GOES 6 needs confirmation
    5) Seen only because I set up in wrong field for Optus B1 (22087)
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