Re: amazing 3D ISS video taken from ground telescope

Date: Thu May 13 2010 - 18:39:56 UTC

  • Next message: Allen Thomson: "Imaging small objects in orbit"

    Thanks George for sharing the stereo movie. I've made still 3D images from videos of moving celestial objects in which there is a lateral disparity between successive frames but I've never seen the movie itself made into 3D. Nice! That manipulator arm and the solar panels really stick out. The 3D technique is simple but the quality of the tracking is spectacular. I'd say the photographer must have played a lot of video games to be able to use a double joystick that well! 
    To see the 3D effect exaggerated, say, 1,000 times, our eyes would need to be 1,000 times farther apart than they really are. That would make each of us a [very] tall giant. The effect shown in the movie is hyperstereo, which is a giant's perspective. 
    I teach the how-to about cross-eyed stereofusion at the following website, in case anyone's interested. See:
    Also, some of my satellite related stereo graphics:
    Tom  Iowa  USA   
    Seesat-l mailing list

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