Re: shuttle and iss

From: Fred Valcho (
Date: Fri May 14 2010 - 21:41:08 UTC

  • Next message: Fred Valcho: "Re: shuttle and iss"

    Hi Roger,
    You are correct on the ISS location at Atlanta launch. The Shuttle will catch up to the ISS, but it will take a few orbits, not sure how many though. Maybe someone else has that information. The altitude adjustment will be made with on-board rockets. 
    From: Roger <>
    Sent: Fri, May 14, 2010 2:00:57 PM
    Subject: shuttle and iss
    Not sure if someone covered this before.
    When the shuttle launched, the ISS was over the south Pacific.
    According to my sat-track program, the ISS was about 25 minutes away
    from FL.
    How does the shuttle 'catch-up' to the ISS?  Does it adjust it's
    orbit so it's slower and let the ISS pass it?  Or does the shuttle
    adjust it's orbit so it's faster and literally catch-up to the ISS?
    What sort of orbit differences are we talking about to get the two in
    the same vicinity?
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