Updated X-37B OTV-1 elements

From: Ted Molczan (ssl3molcz@rogers.com)
Date: Sun May 23 2010 - 18:06:06 UTC

  • Next message: Tim Luton: "TML obs of 2010 May 20-21 UTC"

    Kevin Fetter, Tim Luton, Greg Roberts, Brad Young, and I, contributed
    observations used to determine the following element set: 
    OTV-1                                                    401 X 422 km
    1 36514U 10015A   10143.39927801  .00002164  00000-0  33855-4 0    08
    2 36514  39.9921 169.4496 0015676 209.9290 150.0626 15.52672217    07
    Arc 20100520.33-0523.42 WRMS resid 0.036 totl 0.012 xtrk
    With Brad Young's observation this morning, the recent observational arc has
    grown just long enough (~3 days) to permit the current rate of decay to be
    determined with reasonable accuracy. Precision should improve as the arc
    grows, but the rate of decay appears to be about as expected of a payload,
    and not debris or a rocket body.
    The small quantity of optical data obtained so far, reveals a standard
    visual magnitude of 5 (1000 km, 90 deg phase angle), with a coefficient of
    phase of 0.014 mag/deg. When we reach 50 to 100 observations, the values
    should settle down; until then, they are likely to fluctuate somewhat.
    Ted Molczan
    Seesat-l mailing list

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