False alarm and all the sats!

From: Derek C Breit (breit_ideas@poyntsource.com)
Date: Sat May 29 2010 - 05:31:08 UTC

  • Next message: Anthony Ayiomamitis: "ISS flyby of Jupiter in broad daylight"

    Well, USA 129 was right on the money. I have no idea why I thought it was
    off.. Seriously.. Not a clue..
    Anywho.. There were at least five big bright sats before it, one of which
    was Iridium 80 with a bright flare.. Iridium 80 was closely followed by some
    other naked eye sat.. This sat followed nearly an identical path of a big
    bright sat, that at 4:18 UT was about 10 degrees below Arcturus (in an ALT
    AZ view). It was a definite WOW!
    After months of not doing much, tonight's hour was just great. Perfect sky.
    A little cold and windy, but there were a lot of sats in a short period..
    Both USA 129 and OTV-1 passed by M13, first time this year that's been
    seen.. OTV was around mag 2.5 on a 88 degree pass..
    Had a couple bats mowing the sky.. 
    Earlier today a huge swarm of bees (500 bees?) flew across the driveway 50
    feet from the front door, circling a 10ft diameter tornado.. 
    Just a great day..
    I did miss Lacrosse 5 in a sky way to bright to even see the Big Dipper..
    Bring on tomorrow, and it's 12 degree jump in temperature!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: seesat-l-bounces+breit_ideas=poyntsource.com@satobs.org
    [mailto:seesat-l-bounces+breit_ideas=poyntsource.com@satobs.org] On Behalf
    Of Derek C Breit
    Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 9:35 PM
    To: SeeSat-L
    Subject: Check USA 129
    I just saw it.. Around 1 second late, but off track.. Maybe over 1/2 a deg..
    (Not enough Binoc FOV practice..) It is (or was) quite a festival of bright
    satellites! More in awhile..
    Have Binoc / Stopwatch timing coming, but the Spaceplane is coming first..
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