PPAS-observations BD 2010-05-18 thru 2010-05-20

From: Bram Dorreman (bram.dorreman@gmail.com)
Date: Mon May 31 2010 - 15:50:33 UTC

  • Next message: Bram Dorreman: "PNAS-observations BD 2010-05-18 thru 2010-05-20"

    Apply font "Courier New" to see it nicely
    yy-nnncc yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.s ooo sss.s s.s nnn ff.fff comments
    yy-nnncc yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.s ooo sss.s s.s nnn ff.fff comments
    82- 72 A 10-05-19 02:10:27.7 BD   43.0 1.0   1 43.0   F; +1.8->inv
    84- 12 A 10-05-18 22:13:51.6 BD   70.0 0.1  21  3.33  F'aaa; +6.3->inv
    84- 12 A 10-05-19 23:19:23.0 BD   97.7 0.1  29  3.36  F'aaa; +5.5->inv
    85- 79 B 10-05-19 22:12:00.1 BD   35.1 0.2   3 11.6   A; +4.0->inv
    90- 17 B 10-05-19 00:25:08.5 BD   86.9 0.6   4 21.7   A; +5.5->8.0
    90- 17 B 10-05-20 00:49:24.5 BD  136.8 0.4   6 22.8   A; +4.8->7.8
    91- 29 B 10-05-18 22:52:10.3 BD  111.3 0.4   4 27.8   A'a; +5.3->inv
    92- 52 A 10-05-18 23:55:58.4 BD  263.1 0.3  15 17.53  M sm ssf; +1.0->inv
    92- 52 A 10-05-19 22:21:58.7 BD  227.2 0.2  13 17.47  +2.5->inv; 1)
    93- 50 A 10-05-19 21:16:34.3 BD   99.4 0.1  14  7.09  F'aaa;
    96- 29 D 10-05-18 23:08:51.1 BD  271.2 0.4   8 33.8   F'f; -3.0->inv
    97- 52 C 10-05-19 23:05:17.8 BD   68.0 6.0   1 68.0   A; +3.8->7.3
    98- 72 C 10-05-19 00:43:35.5 BD  133.1 6.0   2 66.5   A; +5.1->8.3
    00- 17 B 10-05-20 01:53:23.1 BD   67.8 0.1  13  5.21  A; +5.2->7.8
    02- 24 A 10-05-18 20:35:07.2 BD  105.4 0.5   6 17.5   A; +4.5->7.5
    02- 36 C 10-05-19 00:13:35.6 BD  197.2 0.1  35  5.63  A; +4.8->inv
    02- 36 C 10-05-19 21:24:57.4 BD   95.4 0.1  17  5.61  F'f; +7.2->inv
    08- 40 G 10-05-19 22:44:22.0 BD  103.3 0.1  33  3.12  A; +5.5->7.5
    10- 17 B 10-05-18 23:37:33.5 BD  245.2 0.1  46  5.33  F; +4.8->inv
    10- 17 B 10-05-19 01:24:28.1 BD   68.0 0.2  13  5.23  F; +4.8->7.3
    1) Variation pattern evolved from aaaM' via faaM' and fafM' to a__M'.
       Some inaccuracy may be introduced to the fact that only the flat
       maxima (coded by M) were present in all periods and the end of
       this maximum was used.
    Site 4160: 51.27931 N, 5.47683 E (WGS84), 35 m
    Bram Dorreman
    Seesat-l mailing list

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