RE: Time ticks on a PC, and making them accurate

From: Ted Molczan (
Date: Sat Nov 19 2011 - 17:15:35 UTC

  • Next message: "Time ticks on a PC, and making them accurate"

    Anthony Atkielski wrote:
    > Another program available on the same page, which I just put out there
    > in beta version, is WWV3. This program plays audio tones that are
    > identical to those of the real WWV broadcasts. If you want
    > authenticity, this program is useful. However, since the WWV tones are
    > continuous tones with ticks interrupting them, and with fewer markers
    > for the minute, you might find this program more annoying than WWV32,
    > depending on your preferences. I hope to add audio announcements of
    > the time at some point, once I can find or make good voice recordings
    > (my voice is ill-suited to this).
    I have wanted something like this for some time. Excellent!
    I keep my PC synched very closely to the correct time, so I look forward to running some tests to see how this compares
    with using WWV, in terms of accuracy. The short WWV time ticks are ideal for synching a stop watch. In my experience,
    relying on the eye to synch to the displayed time is not nearly as reliable as using the ear.
    Thank you for making this utility available.
    Ted Molczan
    Seesat-l mailing list

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