SeeSat-L Nov-11
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Starting: Tue Nov 01 2011 - 04:40:42 UTC
Ending: Wed Nov 30 2011 - 22:09:40 UTC
- 13 years of the ISS
- 17 years of seesat-l
- 2 more geo sat's I see, were sent to the graveyard
- 2011NOV1-2.OBS
- 2011NOV10.OBS
- 2011NOV12.OBS
- 2011NOV12.OBS Part II
- 2011NOV18-19.OBS
- 2011NOV19.OBS
- 2011NOV20-21.OBS
- 2011NOV21.OBS
- 2011NOV22.OBS
- 2011NOV23.OBS
- 2011NOV25.OBS
- 2011NOV26.OBS
- 2011NOV27.OBS
- 2011NOV27.OBS Part II
- 2011NOV30.OBS
- 2011NOV4-5.OBS
- 2011NOV5-6.OBS
- 2011NOV6-7.OBS
- 2011NOV7.OBS
- 3 obs and fake orbit for that darn unid
- 4 satellites flying in formation to be launched in Dec
- 4542 PPAS 03 - 05 - 06 SEP 2011.
- 4641 SATOBS 14 NOV 2011.
- 4641 SHENZHOU 8
- 5919 Obs USA 161 + Lac rk
- 90088 easy to see at 29000 km
- Another flashing geo = Luch
- Article on Boeing 702's with angled solar panels = Charging of mirror surfaces in space
- AsiaSat 7 launch in a few hours
- attempt at orbit for greg's lastest unid
- Attempt at orbit for greg's unid
- BY C 110411
- BY C 110511
- BY C 110611
- BY C 111011
- BY C 111611
- BY C 111811
- BY C 111811 Part 2
- BY C 111911
- BY C 111911 Part 2
- BY C 112411
- BY C 112511
- BY C 112911 Part 2
- BY C 113011
- BY O 111011 Part 2
- BY O 111211
- BY O 111311
- BY O 111311 Part 2
- BY O 111811
- BY O 112711
- BY O 112811
- BY O 112911
- BY P to 111011
- BY PPAS / PNAS to Nov 25
- Central American Reentry Observers Network (Caron) status
- Chinese spacecraft tracker visits Auckland, NZ
- Cloud Chasing
- Come Home X-37B
- Contact a second time..
- Corona calibration targets
- corrected Satobs November 23 @ 8597
- COSMOS 2428
- DCB Obs NOV 15 UT - NOSS 2-2 A, NOSS 3-5 B / A, and Lacrosse 5
- DCB Obs NOV 17 UT - Prowler and other high stuff
- DCB Obs NOV 23rd UT - Lacrosse 5
- Echostar 5 flash report
- Estrela du Sol sent to the graveyard
- faint XM geo sat spotted with wide feild
- flashing geo ppas report
- Flashing Shenzhou-8???
- Fobos-Grunt filmed from Leiden
- Fobos-Grunt image
- Fobos-Grunt in deep twilight
- Fobos-Grunt: analysis of orbit evolution
- Fobos-Grunt: no manoeuvring evident in TLEs after 2011 Nov 20 UTC
- Fobos-Grunt: orbit boost attemp
- Fobos-Grunt: orbit boost attempt
- Footage of Lacrosse 5 "disappearance trick"
- Galaxy 11 antenna flare
- Galaxy 11 flare
- Galileo satellites handed over to control centre in Germany
- glonass satellite launched
- Hellas sat 1 flash report
- I can blame noss 2-3 = sat's in formation
- I don't want to see you = possible faint unid
- I might have seen a peice of debris, are something else
- I now have an id for the unid sat = newest china satellite
- I: 4641 SHENZHOU 8
- Intelsat 1R antenna flare
- Intelsat 1R flare
- Intelsat 508
- Intelsat 508 faint flashes
- Intelsat 6B = a slow geo flasher
- ISS orbit boost on Nov 18
- ISS orbit boost on Nov 30
- Kevins latest unknown
- LARES satellite launch next year = another flashing sat to look forward to
- Looking for a formula concerning artificial satellite eclipses
- Looks like I am seeing things = 2 bright sat flying in formation, ah ****
- Mars Science Laboratory launch
- Mars Science Laboratory launch"
- Military space shuttle receives mission extension
- Milstar 5 are something else with slooh
- Nanosail-D decay
- New Web SIte
- Nice overead pass of the ISS
- NOSS 3-1 (C) Possible Sighting
- NOSS 3-1 C is missing / NOSS 3-2 pair late?
- Nov 5 obs
- Nov 6 obs
- Obs and orbit of Unid sat
- Obs for Nov. 29
- Obs of a unid from last year
- observations of Phobos-Soil (Fregat) engine burn
- observations of Phobos-Soil (Fregat) engine burns
- off topic -Happy 30th birthday, Canadarm
- one of the pair NOSS 3-1 AC is missing
- one other obs of that unid
- Optical 01 Nov 2011
- Optical 02 Nov 2011 Part 2
- Optical 06 Nov 2011 Part 1
- Optical 06 Nov 2011 Part 2
- Optical 10 Nov 2011 Part 1
- Optical 10 Nov 2011 Part 2
- Optical 13 Nov 2011 Part 1
- Optical 15 Nov 2011 Part 1
- Optical 15 Nov 2011 Part 2
- Optical 21 Nov 2011
- Optical 23 Nov 2011
- Optical 27 Nov 2011
- Optical 29 Nov 2011
- Optical 2nd Nov 2011 -part 3
- Optical Nov 13,2011 Part 2
- PAS 1 flashing brightly
- Phobos Grunt
- Phobos Grunt attitude based upon visual observation
- Phobos Grunt Contact..
- Phobos Grunt obs, 23 Nov 2011, 0011Z, Falcon, CO US
- Phobos Grunt obs, 24 Nov 2011, 0007Z, Falcon, CO US
- Phobos Grunt obs, 25 Nov 2011, 0004Z, Falcon, CO US
- Phobos Grunt orange coloratio
- Phobos Grunt orange coloration
- Phobos Grunt video posted
- Phobos Grunt's Zenit 2nd stage re-entry imminent
- Phobos sighting
- Phobos video of engine burn - Analysis
- Phobos-Grunt
- Phobos-Grunt - serious problem reported
- Phobos-Grunt - visibility from Europe and N. America
- Phobos-Grunt Active Attitude Control
- Phobos-Grunt and Rocket observation
- Phobos-Grunt in nominal LEO parking orbit
- Phobos-Grunt observation
- PHOBOS-GRUNT observed
- Phobos-Grunt Prevision to Reentry in November 26th ?
- Phobos-Grunt station keeping
- Phobos-Grunt world visibility guide
- Phobos-Grunt: ... manoeuvring, venting, active attitude control
- Phobos-Grunt: doubts about manoeuvring or venting
- Phobos-Grunt: latest two TLEs suggest manoeuvring or venting
- Phobos-Grunt: rotating or stable?
- Phobos-Soil Ground tracks and trajectory
- Phobos-Soil Project seeks observations of engine burns from South America
- Phobus-Grunt - How much time left to leave Earth orbit?
- planned geo sat moves
- Possible flashing unid spotted
- R: Phobos Grunt attitude based upon visual observations
- R: Phobos Grunt Contact..
- R: Phobos-Grunt - serious problem reported
- R: Phobos-Grunt - visibility from Europe and N. America
- R: Phobos-Grunt: ... manoeuvring, venting, active attitude control
- R: Shenzhou 8
- R: TLEs for Phobos-Grunt
- RAE table 2011
- Satcom C1
- Satcom C1 bright flashes
- Satellites and Asteroid Occultation
- SATOBS 2011 November 06
- SATOBS 2011 November 27
- SATOBS ML (4353), 11 Nov 2011: NOSS 3-5, Lacrosse 5, USA 32
- SATOBS ML (4353), 14 Nov 2011: Lacrosse 5, USA 32
- SATOBS ML (4353), 16 Nov 2011: NOSS 3-1A (C is indeed missing)
- SATOBS ML (4353), 28 Nov 2011: Fobos-Grunt
- SATOBS ML (4353), 30 Nov 2011: Fobos-Grunt
- SATOBS ML (4353), 31 Oct 2011: Progress-M 13M
- Satobs November 1 @ 8597
- Satobs November 23 @ 8597
- Satobs November 6 @ 8597
- Soyuz rocket launch in a few hours
- Soyuz TMA-03M in orbit
- Soyuz TMA-22 Heard
- Soyuz TMA-22 in orbit (not TMA-03M)
- Space Station Crew May Take Shelter From Space Junk
- Space Tracking and Surveillance System Demonstration Completes Mission
- Space Tracking and Surveillance System DemonstrationCompletes Missionþ
- Sustained flare from geo
- The NOSS 3-5 Pair
- This time I keep my mouth shut about seeing something, until I am sure
- tiangong 1
- Tiangong 1 (37820) has changed the inclination in those days?
- Time ticks on a computer
- Time ticks on a computer [SOLVED]
- Time ticks on a PC, and making them accurate
- TLEs for Phobos-Grunt
- UNID 18:30 (24:00 UTC) was: Space Tracking and ...
- Very Nice, Mike!!
- Veteran Landsat 5 satellite on the brink of failure
- Video of 2 nice bright sat's flying in formation
- Visibility of Phobos-Grunt via Heavens Above
- What is happening with Phobos-Grunt
- What is happening with Phobos-Grunt?
- Where is the Soyuz R/B?
- X-37B (OTV 2-1, USA 226) not seen
- X-37B Seen
- X-37b to save the Phobos-Grunt mission?
- X-37B: Altitude history of OTV 1-1 ad 2-1
- XM-2 geo sat flare
- {MPML} Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Trajectory now in JPL Horizon
- {MPML} Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Trajectory now in JPL Horizons
- {MPML} MSL heading out animation
- {MPML} Phobos Grunt
Last message date: Wed Nov 30 2011 - 22:09:40 UTC
Archived on: Wed Nov 30 2011 - 22:09:40 UTC
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: Wed Nov 30 2011 - 22:09:40 UTC