The launch has been scrubbed again, this time owing to an issue with a fuel sensor. We would have had a good chance of observation a few hours after launch, if it gets away tomorrow we may still have an opportunity weather permitting. Unfortunately the pass just after OMS-2 would have exited shadow just too low to be seen here, but prospects of the next one being visible in a dawning sky around 1820 UTC were excellent. The sky has not been very helpful lately though - I mentioned in my message concerning Suitsat decay that I was clouded out that morning, by dawn the sky was perfectly clear so who knows! Incidentally docking was (and presumably still will be) due to occur in this region but would not be visible- had the launch been successful on the first attempt we had shadow exit toward the end of the pass so might have caught a glimpse. Robert Wainuiomata New Zealand 41.261S 174.948E ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive:
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