Clear with slight haze lit by the Full Moon. David. IntlId SiteYYMMDDHHMMSSss Sss TCHHMMmm DDMMm Mm E 0500402267506090820111987 010 12171805 +23177 20 5 0500402267506090820115127 010 12175266 +16589 20 5 7609101267506090820203227 010 12221139 +29153 10 5 7609101267506090820211246 010 12212714 +16071 10 5 0504201267506090820221360 010 12224124 +14323 15 5 0504201267506090820233022 010 12231029 +33453 15 5 0504201267506090820245188 010 12002563 +56507 15 5 7111005267506090820272429 010 12195769 +30541 20 5 7111005267506090820273501 010 12200543 +27255 10 5 8305603267506090820422774 010 12192513 +36231 20 5 8305603267506090820425720 010 12203229 +48145 15 5 7603804267506090820442824 010 12034611 +71376 10 5 7603804267506090820450098 010 12020081 +59576 10 5 7603804267506090820454114 010 12011341 +44108 10 5 8305601267506090820464297 010 12205566 +65587 15 5 8305601267506090820471760 010 12234161 +68328 20 5 9607201267506090820483012 010 12222314 +62243 10 5 9607201267506090820494010 010 12063983 +79349 10 5 8001901267506090820535935 010 12211562 +60381 20 5 7603809267506090820550666 010 12164805 +69023 15 5 7603809267506090820555836 010 12205109 +51250 10 5 7603801267506090820582934 010 12152333 +63035 10 5 7603801267506090820591362 010 12185238 +59442 20 5 7603801267506090821002754 010 12213560 +28140 15 5 7603803267506090821102997 010 12155232 +55463 15 5 7603803267506090821110618 010 12181224 +52424 10 5 7603803267506090821120373 010 12204555 +30419 20 5 9401702267506090821144938 010 12032563 +53573 20 5 999 David M Brierley Malvern, Worcestershire, UK Station 2675 52.1358N 2.3264W 70m ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive:
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