Obs ML (4353), 10 Sep 2006: USA 129 & USA 186

From: Marco Langbroek (marco.langbroek@wanadoo.nl)
Date: Sun Sep 10 2006 - 18:43:23 EDT

  • Next message: John Locker: "Diagram of Atlantis tracks predicted and actual."

    Obs SatTrackCam Leiden (Cospar 4353), 10 Sep 2006:
    24680 96 072A   4353 F 20060910200516100 17 75 2355554+462420 56 S+030 10
    24680 96 072A   4353 F 20060910200526800 17 75 0014197+507660 56 S+030 10
    28888 05 042A   4353 F 20060910211316100 17 75 1535302+562880 56  -010 10
    28888 05 042A   4353 F 20060910211326800 17 75 1513154+572640 56  +035 10
    Method: Canon Digital Ixus 400 + ASTRORECORD astrometric software.
    Camera at manual mode, "10 second" (= 10.7 second) exposure, wide field 
    f2.8/7.41 mm.
    What these numbers mean:
    05-042A was captured just after it brightly flared to mag. -2 at 21:13:06 +/- 3s 
    UTC. It was as much as 9 seconds early and 0.10 deg off in cross-track with 
    respect to 4 day old elset 06249.87384698, and 2.5s early with respect to 
    Russel's observations 25 hours earlier: is it manoeuvring?
    96-072A: faint trail, about 1s early relative to elset 06249.88553102
    - Marco  :-)
    Dr Marco Langbroek  -  SatTrackCam Leiden, Cospar 4353
    Leiden, the Netherlands. 52.15412 N,  4.49081 E (WGS84), +0 m ASL
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