FWIW, elsets for 06-037C and D are now available at SpaceTrack. (Few active observers above +51N; Tony Beresford will not have a single pass above 10 degrees until late October; others in-between not before spring) If what I observed WAS IGS2A, here is an amended IOD observation: 29393 06 037A 5918 P 20060912225200820 17 25 0956077+552445 19 S+045 03 and the elset by Ted, modified in Epoch and RAAN to match it: IGS 2A 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.7 v 492 x 484 1 29393U 06037A 06254.56337905 .00005000 00000-0 19563-3 0 13 2 29393 97.3059 13.3275 0005460 355.4383 4.6805 15.25857756 68 -- Björn Gimle -- -- COSPAR 5919, MALMA, 59.2615 N, 18.6206 E, 33 m -- -- COSPAR 5918, HAMMARBY, 59.2985 N, 18.1045 E, 44 m -- -- COSPAR 5920, FRUVIK, 59.3260 N, 18.4820 E, 11 m -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive: http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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