please note that the time is incorrect, for the 2geo sat as part of the Sept 12 sat video

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2006 - 08:00:59 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "some more info on my video setup"

    I had posted a video of 2 geo sat's, in neat formation.
    The time was frozen, due the gps time inserter not receiving the 1 pps signal from the Garmin gps
    16 gps receiver I use. This happens when ever the gps reciver switches between signals from the
    gps satellites, are loses lock on the signals. I got tree's and houses and a hill in the backyard,
    that helps to reduce the gps signal strength. So I expect the reciever to lose lock, thus stop
    transmittinhg the 1 pps signal, the time inserter needs.
    So far only the 2geo sat video, for Sept 12 video's, has the time which is incorrect.
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