
From: Greg Roberts (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2006 - 11:19:16 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "keep an eye out for 2 SL-14 R/B in the sky"

    Tips is normally an easy object for video tracking, but when
    I last tried to observe it - 31 August 2006 - I did not see it and
    at the time put it down to a poor pass- in addition I got mislead
    by another satellite at about the same time and direction.
    Since it now looks like TIPS may be missing I will check the 
    DVD recording tomorrow to make sure I did not see it. If its
    not there then it may indicate that TIPS did its disappearing trick
    before 31 August. 
    Unfortunately TIPS was not favourably placed when I tracked on
    the 11th September so was not able to try it nor will it be visible
    tomorrow night when next I plan to track so it looks like visibility
    is over for me for the moment.
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