ISS Orbit Tweak?

From: Gerhard HOLTKAMP (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2006 - 16:58:42 EDT

  • Next message: Lutz Schindler: "Obs 13.09.06"

    Comparing the TLEs for the ISS with epoch 13-SEP-06, 3:13:20 UTC with the ones 
    of a day before (epoch 12-SEP-06, 4:25:20 UTC) at the time of epoch of the 
    newer elements I find a difference of 34 km in position between the two. As 
    NASA has not mentioned any orbit maneuvers for the ISS over the next few days 
    are we seeing the kind of unwanted orbit tweak we saw a year ago during that 
    mission of Discovery? (Was it due to some water dump or due to some special 
    attitude maneuvering back then - I don't remember anymore?).
    Gerhard HOLTKAMP
    Darmstadt, Germany
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