Awesome pass of 2 iridium satellites !

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Sun Sep 24 2006 - 20:54:16 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Re: Awesome pass of 2 iridium satellites !"

    Never know what I'll see.
    I had step outside to see how clear the skies were. Then after abit, I noticed 2 satellites
    passing by, seperated by a few degrees.
    The lead one was Iridium 91 ( 27372 ) with Iridium 29 ( 24944 ) roughly 5 degrees away.
    Iridium 29 was brighter then Iridium 29. I would estimate iridium 29, at least 3rd Magnitude are
    So very awesome.
    After seeing this, another reason why I rather look at satellites, over deep sky objects.
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