Whops I was using the following video camera, for the suitsat pass and others, and problem I notice.

From: Kevin Fetter (kfetter@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Sep 25 2006 - 11:22:34 EDT

  • Next message: Andy K: "RE: Whops I was using the following video camera, for the suitsat pass and others, and problem I notice."

    I just remember that I started using my new video camera, after I received it a few months ago.
    It's the following one
    So it was in use, for the suitsat pass. Someone from the Naval Research Laboratory is writting an
    article on suitsat for the AMSAT Journal. So I will have to correct the info I sent him, on what I
    was using to capture the pass.
    So once my pentax digital SLR camera arrives, I will update my page at
    To show how I wired up the place, for controlling the scope from inside.
    If I use the following 
    And use Telescope aperture in mm: 36, this is the aperature of the lens
    Telescope focal ratio: f1.4 what the lens is set at 
    I get Field of view in arc-minutes: 156.9' x 194.2'
    Seems smaller, then what results I get using guide. I compared the star feild in the folllowing
    To that above feild of view, and the above result seems to small for a feild of view.
    Must be doing something wrong somewhere.
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