First Rocket Launch from New Mexico Spaceport Delayed again.

From: Thomas Dorman (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2006 - 14:16:18 EDT

  • Next message: Bram Dorreman: "PPAS obs 2006 Sep 19-21 BD"

    There has been another delay for the first rocket
    launch from the New Mexico Spaceport.There has been a
    transponder failer that commucates with the White
    Sands Missile range tracking network.The reports now
    are that they have just finished making repairs to the
    transponder and will try for a launch at 2pm MDT.The
    haze is starting to build in my area so chances of
    seeing the rocket in flight are going down but I will
    be out anyway just in case it is visible.
    Thomas Dorman
    Horizon City,Texas
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