yy-nnncc yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.s ooo sss.s s.s nnn ff.fff comments 63- 14 A 06-09-19 23:26:37.2 BD 170.6 0.7 9 19.0 A'a'; +8.0->inv; note 65- 8 A 06-09-21 02:55:26.5 BD 37.3 0.3 2 18.6 A; +7.8->inv 65- 34 A 06-09-21 02:34:24.4 BD 153.2 0.2 13 11.8 A; +7.8->inv 72- 89 A 06-09-21 03:40:50.3 BD 194.8 0.3 2 97.4 Irr; +3.0->inv 73- 54 A 06-09-19 19:05:04.0 BD 158.6 0.3 4 39.7 fm; +5.0->inv; note 76- 91 A 06-09-20 20:25:15.2 BD 119.5 0.3 7 17.1 A'A'F'; +3.0->inv 78- 96 A 06-09-20 03:08:05.2 BD 134.1 0.2 17 7.9 a'F'a'_; +2.0->inv 79- 50 A 06-09-19 19:47:23.5 BD 119.7 0.5 3 39.9 Irr; +5.5->inv; note 80- 98 B 06-09-19 02:16:14.8 BD 204.2 0.2 11 18.55 A; +6.8->inv 81- 59 A 06-09-19 03:44:48.0 BD 139.5 0.5 7 19.9 M; +7.0->inv 83- 4 A 06-09-19 19:21:29.5 BD 91.2 1.0 3 30.4 Irr; +6.0->inv; note 83- 4 A 06-09-20 19:21:26.6 BD 174.3 0.3 6 29.1 Irr; +4.4->inv; note 85- 94 G 06-09-19 03:53:28.5 BD 104.0 0.3 5 20.8 A; +6.5->inv 86- 19 B 06-09-19 01:31:02.1 BD 19.7 0.3 39.4 F; +5.0->inv; note 86- 70 B 06-09-19 21:56:01.3 BD 60.3 0.2 3 20.1 A; +4.5->inv; note 87- 11 A 06-09-20 02:57:14.4 BD 107.9 0.3 8 13.5 A; +3.5->7.5 87- 11 A 06-09-20 21:08:53.6 BD 156.6 0.2 12 13.1 A; +4.2->inv 87- 11 A 06-09-21 04:07:21.6 BD 143.9 0.3 11 13.1 A; +3.0->inv 87- 18 A 06-09-20 03:33:54.8 BD 205.1 0.3 6 34.2 A; +6.0->inv 87- 20 B 06-09-20 00:44:42.9 BD 117.6 0.5 2 58.8 A; +6.5->8.0 88- 5 A 06-09-20 19:39:07.2 BD 142.4 0.3 21 6.78 A ssm; +5.8->7.3 88- 5 A 06-09-20 21:24:35.0 BD 110.2 0.2 32 3.44 A'A'A'F'; +5.0->inv 88- 6 A 06-09-20 02:16:27.0 BD 97.9 0.3 6 16.3 A some f; +3.0->inv 91- 61 A 06-09-19 20:09:27.6 BD 263.8 0.2 10 26.4 A; +7.0->inv 92- 52 A 06-09-19 02:06:12.8 BD 35.2 0.5 1 35 +0.1->inv; note 92- 73 B 06-09-20 04:03:38,9 BD 219.3 0.5 6 36.6 A; ssm; +4.5->inv 93- 50 A 06-09-19 20:49:51.8 BD 104.6 0.3 6 17.4 A; sf; note 96- 29 D 06-09-21 03:02:46.6 BD 246.4 0.5 5 49.3 A(f); +2.0->inv 97- 34 C 06-09-19 01:46:04.1 BD 8.6 0.2 6 1.4 F; +4.0->inv; note 97- 34 C 06-09-20 01:08:32.1 BD 16.7 0.3 11 1.5 F'FF_; +7.5->inv 99- 4 A 06-09-20 02:44:06.0 BD 81.9 0.2 16 5.1 A->F; +1.0->inv 99- 28 C 06-09-19 20:30:19.2 BD 545.3 0.5 7 77.9 A; +7.5->inv 99- 64 A 06-09-20 03:21:40.8 BD 80.7 0.5 2 40.4 f'A'; +3.0->5.0 99- 64 A 06-09-21 02:07:02.8 BD 48.9 0.5 3 16.3 F'A'; +5.0->inv 00- 14 B 06-09-21 04:37:58.6 BD 22.9 0.2 9 2.5 F; +7.0->inv; note 01- 23 B 06-09-20 20:44:04.5 BD 61.9 0.2 15 4.42 A; +4.9->? 03- 23 B 06-09-19 02:24:30.4 BD 112.0 0.8 1 112 A; +4.8->inv; note 03- 37 C 06-09-19 22:14:38.1 BD 178.9 0.2 30 5.96 A; +4.5->inv 04- 28 B 06-09-19 01:09:43.0 BD 75.7 0.2 8 9.5 A; +4.5->inv 04- 28 B 06-09-21 01:58:15.3 BD 94.6 0.2 10 9.5 A; +4.9->inv 04- 37 C 06-09-19 22:28:04.1 BD 132.7 0.5 2 66.4 M; +4.3->inv 05- 42 A 06-09-19 21:34:19.5 BD +6.0->8.0; note 05- 48 C 06-09-19 02:44:00.9 BD 176.6 0.3 37 4.77 A; +5.0->inv 05- 48 C 06-09-20 01:42:04.6 BD 105.1 0.2 22 4.78 A; +6.0->inv 63- 14 A 06-09-19 timings [12.27 5.76] [12.54 6.59] [10.32 9.01] [9.77 8.06] [10.32 8.05] [9.68 8.69] [9.97 9.97] [9.57 9.19] [10.64 10.18] 73- 54 A 06-09-19 timings [19.69 11.35 8.33] [14.20 5.22 19.95] [14.19 25.57] [14.57 25.57] My grouping is arbitrary and is partly based on a flash maximum as last maximum within each group. 79- 50 A 06-09-19 timings 15.91 29.68 21.48 7.95 5.48 39.15 very uncertain determination More observations would be very welcome 83- 4 A 06-09-19 timings [4.39 4.23 3.59 1.61 16.43] [4.92 2.83 1.64 2.96 5.58 11.60] [3.73 3.66 20.43] My grouping is arbitrary and is partly based on a long flat maximum as last maximum within each group. 83- 4 A 06-09-20 timings [16.99 11.93] [16.65 12.62] [15.60 2.27 9.58] [16.40 3.10 3.03 5.74 1.91] [15.57 3.15 6.77 2.87] [2.60 2.88 10.92 4.16 6.82 2.74] 86- 19 B 06-09-19 timings Following the same assumption as in my previous note I timed: 6.32 = 2 basic units (of 3.263 seconds) 9.70 = 3 basic units 6.41 = 2 basic units 6.98 = 2 basic units sum = 9 basic units = 29.41 seconds A full rotation should be 12 basic units, this is 12/9 * 29.41 = 39.21 seconds 86- 70 B 06-09-19 timings [4.31 14.85] 18.63 22.53 87- 20 B 06-09-20 timings 52.35 65.22 92- 52 A 06-09-19 The concerning transit was too short to time more maxima. 93- 50 A 06-09-19 timings [8.35 9.53] 16.34 [8.39 10.13] 15.87 [10.13 8.71] 17.13 Alternate grouping by adding the single maximum to the already existing group gives an average period of 34.86 which is more in accordance with previous determinations. 97- 34 C 06-09-19 I counted 6 trains of 3 flashes; the train-length is given 00- 14 B 06-09-21 I had the impression that the flashes I counted were the maximum flashes of series of very short flashes (0.3 - 0.4 seconds). The sky was getting light blue as sunrise was near making it difficult to be sure about those sort flashes. 03- 23 B 06-09-19 Flash period is becoming too long. Reason to drop it from the PPAS observation Program. 05- 42 A 06-09-19 Two flashes were followed by three round maxima: Timings: 28.08 4.98 26.42 and 15.49 The URL explaining the format of PPAS observations : http://www.satobs.org/tumble/flashpm.html#PPASformat Bram Dorreman COSPAR 4160 51° 16' 45.5" N 5° 28' 36.6" E (WGS84) 35 m ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive: http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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