ISS morning pass in brightening sky....high cloud

From: John Locker (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2006 - 05:12:46 EDT

  • Next message: Dale Ireland: "CBS evening news"

    Rather disappointing start to a run of morningpasses.
    The sky went very hazy just before pass time  and was brightening at a pace 
    ! ( 0652 BST )
    The resultant frames were not very impressive.However what is apparent is
    that the brightest part of the "new" complex is the P3/P4 integrated truss
    radiator !
    In last weeks daylight capture
    I could make out a bright return from mid
    array and wondered if it was the this still from this morning 
    , which I have overexposed to show the detail
    , you can clearly see the radiator.....and also the remaining Soyuz.
    The new array is just visible , but not the P6 , which is in shadow.
    Here's the short animation from this morning in wmv 
    increasing brightness when viweing , the P3/P4 array can just be seen.......
    It will be interesting to see what happens when the new array becoms sun 
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