Iridium obs and non-obs

Bjoern Gimle (
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 07:33:15 +0100

For the first time in a month, more than 10 h of clear sky!
Casually observing at 1x:
43    99-12- 2 17:12:   +0.5   Not seen (cf. Mark's post Dec.01)
65    99-12- 3  5:59:   -0.8   Est. -1.7  using +2.2 and +0.0
73  ? 99-12- 3  6:07:   -0.4   Not seen w.Sun at -7 and mag.lim.+3
66    99-12- 3  6:08:   +1.5   Ditto

I tried twice -3/+5 and -5/+10 min using
USA 129
1 24680U 96072  A 99267.83547850  .00021630  00000-0  28549-3 0  3961
2 24680  97.9355 329.3522 0522508 125.4694 239.5187 14.74295398    06
but the haze and lights in the direction of Stockholm City, and my
binocular limit of +6 easily explains my non-obs. at 21 deg. elevation.

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