Hi, A sighting of a geoflasher was submitted to me by a gentleman of Knoxville TN. Summary of his note to me: Knoxville, around 8:00 pm local, Dec. 1, 1999, approx. 10 degrees below Jupiter and Saturn, barely moving from West to East, observed for approx two minutes, flashes at approx 8-10 secs intervals around mag 1.0 to 3.0 then dimming. Running alldat in skymap I find three candidates, in PPAS form (time approximated). 99 304 A 1999-12-2 00:02:05.00 BC 90.0 .2 10 9.00 1.0 ->inv M or F 95 -49 B 67 -66 G All three passed from 8 to 12 degrees below Jupiter and Saturn from west to east from 01:45:00 to 02:45:00. 67066G was at around 9 degrees all the way the other two started higher nearer Jupiter and dropped as they proceeded east. I found no references to the three in the PPAS database or recent sightings. Any comments, or would anyone like to follow-up on this one with obs of the three mentioned. Jim ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@lists.satellite.eu.org http://www2.satellite.eu.org/seesat/seesatindex.html