IntlId SiteYYMMDDHHMMSSss Sss TCHHMMmm DDMMm Mm E 7905001267599120705080608 010 12223565 +57030 1 5 9902302267599120705241371 010 12074993 -02446 1 5 9902302267599120705324209 010 12092653 -01340 15 5 7711206267599120705270335 010 12062192 +49200 1 5 Note: the 2nd position of 94-17B may well be in error. 7711206267599120705272555 010 12062536 +58254 1 5 7711206267599120705285126 010 1216554 +86500 15 5 7504301267599120705365337 010 12144622 +16432 2 5 8305603267599120705482568 010 12070347 +24137 2 5 8305603267599120705493174 010 12072008 +45118 15 5 7711201267599120705501483 010 12050517 +45012 1 5 7711204267599120705522268 010 12044813 +53192 15 5 8001903267599120705545354 010 12064574 +62368 15 5 8001903267599120705555702 010 12085745 +60260 1 5 8704301267599120706014744 010 12045379 +67313 1 5 9401702267599120706071062 010 12164638 +33460 2 5 9401702267599120706074988 010 12173364 +45252 15 5 8001904267599120706101772 010 12073669 +55526 3 5 8001904267599120706105501 010 12083859 +53390 15 5 8001907267599120706161096 010 12072848 +67313 15 5 8204103267599120706273937 010 12185601 +42117 1 5 8204103267599120706281174 010 12194065 +45366 1 5 8601408267599120706365335 010 12082433 +43053 2 5 8601404267599120706374183 010 12081930 +62300 1 5 8601405267599120706375652 010 12081979 +62282 2 5 8305607267599120706400043 010 12055940 +45360 1 5 8305607267599120706405182 010 12053502 +59430 15 5 8300806267599120718571288 010 12120108 +70473 15 5 8300808267599120718581433 010 12120137 +70494 1 5 8300805267599120718595965 010 12115428 +72076 1 5 8300805267599120719004552 010 12094414 +70232 1 5 9107603267599120719073281 010 1215116 +67510 3 5 9107604267599120719074198 010 1215125 +6755 4 5 9107605267599120719090004 010 12222497 +72015 1 5 David M Brierley Malvern, Worcestershire, UK Station 2675 52.1358N 2.3264W 70m -- The Information contained in this E-Mail and any subsequent correspondence is private and is intended solely for the intended recipient(s). For those other than the recipient any disclosure, copying, distribution, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on such information is prohibited and may be unlawful. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to