Decay watch: Dec 9

Alan Pickup (
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 23:09:26 +0000

I have again updated my decay Watch page at

It reports on:

#25088 = 97- 79 A = Cosmos 2347
  I now predict this decay for Dec 11 16:45 UTC +-12h. SpaceCom's latest
decay warning is for Dec 11 14:31 +-1d.

#25923 = 99- 52 B = Telstar 7 Ariane 44LP r
  SpaceCom has still to recover this, though its latest decay warning of
Dec 12 07:10 +-3d is in line with my earlier prediction of Dec 12 +-2d.

 Alan Pickup | COSPAR 2707:  55d53m48.7s N  3d11m51.2s W   156m asl
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