Re: ETS-6; no Iridium 42 flare, etc.

Tony Beresford (
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 18:10:20 +1030

At 17:00 12/12/1999 , Mark Hanning-Lee wrote:
>* ETS-6 23230 emitted a nice series of flashes, brightest around 21:22
>PST 12/11 = 12/12 5:22 UTC. Up to mag 0 compared to nearby Saturn as it
>moved through Cetus. I was so excited at seeing it for the first time I
>forgot to make any better observations ;-).
>A good one to watch: Steve LaLumondiere has previously noted that its
>mean motion of 01.67089018032328 is close to 1.6666 revs/day. 
Mike Mccants was in fact the first person to point this fact 
out ( it explained my inability to see it in March 1998 except
at 3 day intervals). At mag 0 it must be near perigee ( ~ 10,000Km).
The interval of naked eye or binocular flashes under these circumstances is rather short.
Its period is decreasing, and has been doing so since it was brought to my
attention back in 1998. so measurements are always useful.
tony beresford

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