Another message that failed to reach the list from my usual e-mail. Here it is again. ------------ Hi everyone, I just had a nice series of observations of ETS-6 (23230 / 94056A) starting in my 6" telescope, then in binoculars & finally 1x! Initial observations in my 6" telescope at 19:38UT (12/Dec/99) gave a flash period of 2.84s with alterate flashes brighter by about two magnitudes. The brightest flashes at this time were about mag+5. Gradually the flashes brightened, being readily visible in the telescopes finder & binoculars. eye, with the flash period approx. 11s (ie. 4 times the telescopic flash period). The brightest flashes probably reached mag+1 & again alternative flashes were fainter around mag+3. At the time of the observation the satellite was at minimum range for the pass (approx 11000km) & was faintly visible in the telescope between flashes at around mag+10. I had tried to observe ETS-6 several times before at greater distances without success, so I wasn't too optimistic about seeing it tonight. After spending many nights observing faint high altitude satellites it is always nice to see one without needing to use any optical aid at all! Best wishes & clear skies, Jason Jason P Hatton 06200 Nice France 43.692N, 7.246E,30M (43d41'29"N,7d14'47"E,30m) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to