Decay watch: dec 13

Alan Pickup (
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 19:52:50 +0000

SpaceCom has posted the first decay warning for #19377 = 88- 69 A =
Molniya 1-73, predicting its decay for Dec 15 05:57 UTC +-1d. I compute
the decay for a day later at Dec 16 07:06 +-20h. This enters eclipse
near 50 deg S latitude as it climbs away from perigee and moves
northwards at ~22:30 local time. It leaves eclipse while northbound and
not far from apogee at ~50 deg N latitude and ~03:30 local time.

You can find more details, plus predicted elsets on:

As usual, the latest OIG-published elset for this is included in my
select.tle and dklist.tle files which are updated hourly on my SatEvo
page (URL below).

 Alan Pickup | COSPAR 2707:  55d53m48.7s N  3d11m51.2s W   156m asl
 Edinburgh   | Tel: +44 (0)131 477 9144     Fax: +44 (0)870 0520750
 Scotland    | SatEvo page:

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