Decay watch: Dec 15

Alan Pickup (
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 17:22:32 +0000

An update just posted to my Decay Watch page at
has my prediction for the decay of #19377 = 88- 69 A = Molniya 1-73 at
Dec 16 00:42 UTC +-3h near 62.7 S, 85.4 W. My prediction for the final
orbit is...

Molniya 1-73                                     320 x 82 km
1 19377U 88069A   99349.98282509 3.39669746  21753+2  11725-2 0 98612
2 19377  62.5859  94.8723 0181222 260.0291  97.9209 16.26901034 93755

...I think that decay is most likely near perigee close to southern apex
on this rev. However, this Molniya has tended to decay more quickly than
my SatEvo predictions have indicated, so a decay near the preceding
perigee at Dec 15 23:12 UTC is quite possible (or even the one before
that). SpaceCom's prediction, issued at 01:25 today, is for the decay to
occur at Dec 16 00:45 UTC.

 Alan Pickup | COSPAR 2707:  55d53m48.7s N  3d11m51.2s W   156m asl
 Edinburgh   | Tel: +44 (0)131 477 9144     Fax: +44 (0)870 0520750
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