Monday evening local time Iridium 77 ? (25471, 98-51E) flared much brighter than predicted; in fact, it outshone Iridium 43 (25039, 97-69A) which followed it by less than two minutes and was predicted -5. This was from a couple of blocks north of UT Austin. Tuesday evening, in spite of a lot of West Texas dust significantly reducing limiting magnitude, Iridium 82 ? (25467, 98-51A) appeared at the predicted time, so it must have been fairly close to the predicted -5. I heard from two people at work, one via e-mail, regarding the upcoming full Moon at perigee, etc. Sky & Telescope has weighed in on the upcoming full Moon situation but doesn't mention the Earth perihelion aspect: Kind of neat side-by-side photos of the full Moon at apogee and perigee. The "Stargazer" script for the week of Dec. 12-19 ("1149th show") cites the "Old Farmer's Almanac" regarding this "brightest full Moon in 133 years" business: My prediction: It will be totally cloudy all over the whole world -- another sign of the impending Y2K doom.... (-: Ed Cannon - - Austin, Texas, USA ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to