Re: Satellites and Your Privacy

Bart De Pontieu (
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 10:21:34 -0800

On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, BEHREND Raoul wrote:

> Hello James, and the others,
> > I was dismayed, disappointed and deeply upset to see and read in my
> > mail:
> > 
> > Subject: Re: Satellites and Your Privacy
> > Resent-Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 23:51:39 -0800 (PST)
> > From: BEHREND Raoul <>
> > 
> > ********** Is it a new virus in this 96K file !? *************
> > 
> > This same was attached to a reply from another list
> > group in yesterdays mail as Boss exe. and now I see I have another
> > coming from the same list group under another subject
> > name with attachment encoded Panther exec.. If this sheds any light on
> > the matter I would greatly appreciate your help.
> > 
> > Regards
> Well, I prefer not to run programs and documents using macros (like m$'s
> word-excel) that are distributed on newsgroups, because it's one of the best
> ways to propagate viruses. (you remember, happy99, melissa, tristate, isn't it
> ?).
> So I asked the newsgroup what kind of document it is ? In a general manner,
> don't open binaries from unchecked sources ! And the text and html contents of
> the message is of no interrest for the newsgroup. It's a sign which demand to
> be very careful !
> Of course, this warning *does not* imply that the attachment is a virus. But I
> have no way to check if it is or not.
> Have a nice day, Raoul

I am not sure what you guys are talking about. SeeSat-L did not forward,
to my knowledge, any viruses in/or attachments. There is a filter in place
that rejects anything that looks like an attachment, and moreover I can 
guarantee that NO message of 96 K size was sent through SeeSat-L recently.

So, why are you guys discussing this on Seesat-L? Does it look like the
attachment came from Seesat-L? Please take this discussion off the list,
it is off-topic. E-mail me privately if you want. Thank you.

      Bart, SeeSat-L administrator,

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