Hello Friends! >Just had a look for the pass predicted at 18:12 12/21 = 12/22 02:12. >Didn't see it with unaided eye! Limiting magnitude about 3 in that >bright moonlight ;-). Every Friday since 1995 the easily visible passages of the HST are given for a lot of places in the world at http://users.skynet.be/alphonse/ My pleasure, avec plaisir, Alphonse URL: http://users.skynet.be/alphonse/ Wepion 50d25m NORD 4d52m EST. Pour s'inscrire a une liste ASTRO, envoyer subscribe alphonse a listbot@interlink-bbs.com *On ne met pas d'accents dans les E-mails internationaux.* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@lists.satellite.eu.org http://www2.satellite.eu.org/seesat/seesatindex.html