Hi all, Some administrative info: 1. SeeSat-L will be non-functional from Dec. 30 until sometime Jan. 1. This is due to blackadder being shut down for (at least) that time period. It is not improbable that there will be connectivity issues between Dec 24 and Jan 4, since Lockheed (where I work) is shutting down its network during that time. However, since most of our lab is connected to the Internet through NASA/Ames, we will most probably not have problems until Dec 30. When exactly SeeSat-L will be functional again depends on when I get a chance to switch on blackadder again, and whether or not SmartList still works in 2000 (it probably will). 2. The hypermail archive may fail in 2000. If that happens, it may take a week or so to get it back to work. 3. Viruses will apparently be a major problem around Y2K. We recently had a worm being sent to some authors of SeeSat-L messages, not to SeeSat-L itself [the problem has been identified and solved]. Viruses can't be sent through SeeSat-L since we have filters in place for attachments and anything non-ASCII. So, if you get a virus seemingly coming from SeeSat-L, it's most probably not directly from SeeSat-L. If that happens, report it to me privately at bart@satellite.eu.org or bdp@lmsal.com or bdp@blackadder.lmsal.com and if all else fails bdp@cds.plasma.mpe-garching.mpg.de Whatever happens: please do NOT send any messages to SeeSat-L complaining about viruses/worms, just complain to me and I'll try to solve the problem. I hope you have nice holidays, Bart, SeeSat-L administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@lists.satellite.eu.org http://www2.satellite.eu.org/seesat/seesatindex.html