Re: Bright Moon, Dim Shuttle

Robert Reeves (
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 15:25:28 -0600

Subject: RE: Bright Moon, Dim Shuttle

> I've had the same problem from the San Francisco Bay Area.  I've NEVER
> the Shuttle this dim.  However, I did spot it last night with 7x50s,
> naked eye) ON time and ON track (from the Rev42 elements) at magnitude
+5 --
> barely naked-eye with the full moon out.

Perhaps I am just lucky to be under the flight path at the right angle
here in San Antonio, Texas, but STS/HST was easily visible during
the grappling maneuver the other evening.  Granted, I have seen
brighter STS passes in the past, but it was at least as bright as Jupiter,
which ain't bad any time.

Robert Reeves  
520 Rittiman Rd.
San Antonio, TX          210-828-9036
78209   U.S.A.            29.484N  98.440W  200 meters

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