Was the regular NASA TV broadcast 40 minutes behind real time also or was it just the webcast? We can't get NASA TV direct from the satellite up here in the far northwest since they moved it to a satellite way out over the Atlantic to give some western Europe viewers a shot, and cut out the US taxpayers who pay the bill out in the NW U.S. Dale Ireland 47.7N 122.7W Astronomy Page http://www.drdale.com Comets, Satellites, Eclipses, Photography, Fabrications ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jake Rees" <jrburca@worldnet.att.net> To: <SeeSat-L@blackadder.lmsal.com> Cc: <srogers@atoutcome.com> Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 9:10 PM Subject: Re: Shuttle Re-entry > > Steve Rogers wrote: > <Yes, there's some sort of built in delay. I missed it because of that . . . > > > > The NASA-TV tracking map for STS-103 being 45 min. behind real time reminds > me of how I became motivated to get more involved with satellite tracking. > It related to NASA-TV but in a negative way. In 1995, I had downloaded the > tracking program STS Plus from the JPL BBS. Not being a whiz with computer > programs, I wasn't sure how to set it up and run it. I had been interested > enough to download it but too lazy or not motivated enough to get involved > in learning to run it. I had access to NASA-TV via the big satellite dish > system. Once during a Shuttle mission, I noticed, because of the tracking > map on NASA-TV, that the Shuttle was in transit acoss the Pacific and it > appeared that it would make a visible pass over southern California. So I > planned to monitor its progress and then when it got close to the coast, I > would go out and look. Great! One problem though. Whoever was controlling > the images on NASA-TV had decided not to put the map on screen. Instead > they aired a wide shot of the mission control room from the front. It was > just people sitting at their consoles. Nothing was going on. They never > showed the map again until the Shuttle was somewhere past California. This > aggravated me to no end. I found a site on the web to send feedback to NASA > and wrote a complaint to the director of NASA-TV. Of course, I never > received any response. > > At this point, I was extremely motivated to be able to do my own tracking > and not be dependent on NASA-TV. So, I buried myself into the STS Plus > tracking program until I had it mastered. I have NASA-TV to thank for my > motivation. > > Now I can always track the STS missions on STS Plus in real time along with > watching NASA-TV. If they choose not to show the tracking map or have some > error in it, no big deal. I've got it on my STS Plus display. > > -- Jake Rees > Burbank, California > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' > in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@lists.satellite.eu.org > http://www2.satellite.eu.org/seesat/seesatindex.html > ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@lists.satellite.eu.org http://www2.satellite.eu.org/seesat/seesatindex.html