SeeSat-L Dec-99 by thread
Starting: Wed 01 Dec 1999 - 01:41:45 PST
Ending: Thu 30 Dec 1999 - 10:43:43 PST
Messages: 334
- RE: Inflatable sphere Brierley David
- Re: Cosmos 100 r Search Björn Gimle
- Cosmos 100 r 03:17 neg obs Daniel Deak
- Re: Cosmos 100 r Search Tyler MacKenzie
- Elements of Lacrosse 2 & 3, USA 86, 92086C and USA 102 Ted Molczan
- Decay watch; Dec 1 Alan Pickup
- Elements of Lacrosse 2 Ted Molczan
- NOV30.OBS and DEC1.OBS Eberst
- NOSS 2-2 Trio Obs
- Re: Possible Geo Satellite captured in image? (fwd) Ed Cannon
- Elements of 92086C, USA 102, Lacrosse 3 and USA 144 Ted Molczan
- Obs 94-26A Brierley David
- Pegasus Rocket Launch Keith Stein
- Decay watch: Dec 2 Alan Pickup
- DEC1-2.OBS Eberst
- Nova Aquilae and Mir Mark A. Hanning-Lee
- Possible C2347 Deb Obs?
- Nova Aquilae + unexpected satellite Matson, Robert
- USA 86
- Mir "Nova" above Nova Aquilae! Matson, Robert
- Obs. 1 and 2 December
- Iridium obs and non-obs Bjoern Gimle
- Lacrosse 2 obs 3rd Dec George, Marple
- Superbird from Hawaii Matson, Robert
- Dec 03 obs Tony Beresford
- Orion 3 flare Mark A. Hanning-Lee
- Numerical method optimizes aero-assisted orbital interceptions Tony Beresford
- OIG/GSFC changes for OCT 31 & NOV 30 monthly SSR John W. Gardner, Jr.
- test - please ignore Tony Beresford
- dec 5 obs Tony Beresford
- Obs Dec 2-4 David Brierley
- Elements of Lacrosse 2 & 3, and USA 86 Ted Molczan
- satwk49 report from OIG Mike McCants
- Mystery Geo flasher
- Re: Mystery Geo flasher Wayne Hughes
- Decay watch: Dec 5 Alan Pickup
- Mystery Geo Flasher - addendum
- DEC3-5.OBS Eberst
- STS-103 Visibility Bob Jones
- Inflatable sphere launch delayed Ruben Velasco
- Re: Mystery Geo flasher. 99304A obs. JAY RESPLER
- Re: Mystery Geo flasher. VISUAL, SKY VIEWS updated. JAY RESPLER
- Elements of Lacrosse 2 & 3, USA 86, 92086C and USA 144 Ted Molczan
- China+Mir? Thomas A. Troszak
- corrected dec 5 obs Tony Beresford
- Fireball on the news Steven Rogers
- Flare of Globalstar 8?? Evan Duffield
- Re: Flare of Globalstar 8?? Ron Lee
- RE: China+Mir? Barker, Jefferson
- Dec 06 Obs Tony Beresford
- Molniya orbit object observations Tony Beresford
- Cosmos 2360 rocket Robert G Fenske Jr
- USA 144 position observation Robert G Fenske Jr
- 82-41C recovered Brierley David
- Re: Flare of Globalstar 8?? Tony Beresford
- Iridium flares from Moscow MALEY, PAUL D.
- Obs Nov 25, 27 and Dec 5 Leo Barhorst
- DEC6.OBS and correction Eberst
- UnID + USA 86 obs, USA 129 non-obs Bjoern Gimle
- DEC7.OBS Eberst
- A new (?) Web site covering upcoming launches Ed Cannon
- Elements of Lacrosse 2, USA 86 and 92086C Ted Molczan
- A boost for Mir Alan Pickup
- Decay watch: Dec 8 Alan Pickup
- DEC8.OBS Eberst
- Obs Dec 7 Brierley David
- Re: A boost for Mir Agapov Vladimir
- Elements of USA 102, 92086C and Lacrosse 3 Ted Molczan
- Gorizont 23 is accelerating again!!!
- Elements of USA 86 and USA 144 Ted Molczan
- Decay watch: Dec 9 Alan Pickup
- Elements of USA 102 and Lacrosse 3 Ted Molczan
- Re: Gorizont 23 is accelerating again!!! Kurt Jonckheere
- Obs Dec 10 Leo Barhorst
- MSX elements Ted Molczan
- Satellite Hunting 2.0
- DEC9-10.OBS Eberst
- 92086C elements Ted Molczan
- satwk50 report from OIG Mike McCants
- DEC10.OBS Eberst
- Decay watch: Dec 11 Alan Pickup
- SatEvo decay list #89 Alan Pickup
- Cosmos 2347 self-destruction Daniel Deak
- Re: Cosmos 2347 self-destruction Steven Rogers
- ETS-6; no Iridium 42 flare, etc. Mark Hanning-Lee
- DMSP Prelaunch Elset, 12 Dec 99 launch Ron Lee
- Re: ETS-6; no Iridium 42 flare, etc. Tony Beresford
- Re: Cosmos 2347 self-destruction Phillip Clark
- dec 12 OBS Tony Beresford
- DMSP Launched On time Ron Lee
- Obs 11 and 12 December
- Bright geoflasher "conjubction" on the 14th December 1999 Jason Hatton
- ETS-6 1x power flashes Jason Hatton
- Obs Dec 12-13 Brierley David
- news - re-entry? ykChia
- DEC12-13.OBS Eberst
- PBS International Space Station Two-part Series
- Decay watch: dec 13 Alan Pickup
- Elements of Lacrosse 2 & 3, USA 86, USA 102 and 92086C Ted Molczan
- DEC13.OBS Eberst
- Obs Dec 14, 1999
- Elements of Lacrosse 2, USA 86, 92086C and USA 144 Ted Molczan
- Cosmos 2365 Matson, Robert
- Terra Launch Data Available? Ron Lee
- Unidentified subject! Varinois Arnaud
- DEC 13 OBS Tony Beresford
- Obs Dec 15
- Decay watch: Dec 15 Alan Pickup
- ETS-6 1-power flashes Mark A. Hanning-Lee
- Date of Aphelion! Eberst
- Terra Prelaunch Elset, 16 Dec 99 launch Ron Lee
- Re: PERIHELION (nor aphelion) JAY RESPLER
- Elements of 92086C, USA 102, DMSP B5D2-8 and Lacrosse 3 Ted Molczan
- Iridium flares from "?" objects Ed Cannon
- DEC15.OBS Eberst
- Remainder of Dec 13 Brierley David
- Shuttle launch delay Patrick Schmeer
- Lacrosse 3 R/B, daytime Iridium, full moon Matson, Robert
- Decay watch: Dec 16 Alan Pickup
- 11252 Meteor 1-29 r modest flare Mark A. Hanning-Lee
- Terra launch scrubbed Ron Lee
- Terra Prelaunch Elset, 17 Dec 99 Ron Lee
- USA 125 r seen? Brierley David
- Wallops Launch In One Hour Keith Stein
- dec 17 obs Tony Beresford
- USA 125 r2 aka 96038C - identification Ted Molczan
- Elements of USA 86, USA 102 and Lacrosse 3 Ted Molczan
- question about 24 turnaround of VAB launch Aaron Brown
- RE: question about 24 turnaround of VAB launch Justin Ray
- Really LEO passes and a few Iridium flares Ed Cannon
- Season of multiple Iridium flares Matson, Robert
- 18 Dec 99 Prelaunch Elset Ron Lee
- Spaceflight Now | Shuttle Mission Report | Mission Status Center Ed Cannon
- Shuttle launch postponed due to bad weather Patrick Schmeer
- Possible Telstar 401 obs. reported on newsgroup Ed Cannon
- 25947 Globlstar 31 r flash period Mark A. Hanning-Lee
- satwk51 report from OIG Mike McCants
- SV: question about 24 turnaround of VAB launch Bjoern Gimle
- Dec 18 Obs; Dec 17 correction. Tony Beresford
- new subscriber
- Terra scheduled to launch in minutes Ron Lee
- Terra Launched Ron Lee
- DEC17.OBS Eberst
- Terra & Centaur elements Ed Cannon
- Terra Elset Ron Lee
- Lunar Iridium flares Ed Cannon
- Elements of USA 86 Ted Molczan
- Decay watch: December 19 Alan Pickup
- STS-103 TLE Ed Cannon
- STS-103 TLE Ed Cannon
- STS-103, HST, Mir TLEs Mark Hanning-Lee
- NASA Channel on Dish Network Richard Fredrick
- December 19 obs Tony Beresford
- Disc/HST visibility this week Mike
- Re: Satellites and Your Privacy BEHREND Raoul
- Obs Dec 15-16 Brierley David
- Obs Dec 19 Brierley David
- Your Help Please!! James Husnay Sr.
- Re: Satellites and Your Privacy BEHREND Raoul
- Re: Lunar Iridium flares Steve Rogers
- Re: Satellites and Your Privacy Bart De Pontieu
- Elements of Lacrosse 2 & 3, USA 86, 92086C and USA 144 Ted Molczan
- KOMPSAT Prelaunch Elset, 21 Dec 99 Ron Lee
- Decay watch: December 20 Alan Pickup
- STS-103 Quick Mag. -3 Glint Jake Rees
- Elset for 96-38C Brierley David
- Latest launch Ed Cannon
- Obs Dec 20 Brierley David
- DEC18-19.OBS Eberst
- New GPS Satellite
- HST and STS-103 Thomas A. Troszak
- ETS-6; saw KOMPSAT and ACRIMSAT launch Mark A. Hanning-Lee
- STS-HST grapple Robert Reeves
- Re : STS-HST grapple Ed Cannon
- 21734 breakup follow-on Daniel Deak
- DEC19-21.OBS Eberst
- Re: HST and STS-103 (again) Thomas A. Troszak
- Ariane 5 / XMM launch observed Igor Lissov
- Elements of 96038C Ted Molczan
- Bright Moon, Dim Shuttle
- STS/HST Alcir Carra
- Cosmos 2157 R Aliases Eberst
- Elements of Lacrosse 3 Ted Molczan
- DEC23.OBS Eberst
- RE: Bright Moon, Dim Shuttle Richard Baldridge
- [ADMIN] Y2K issues -- shutdown of SeeSat-L on Dec 30 Bart De Pontieu
- TLE format after Dec 31 Igor Lissov
- Happy holidays! Mark A. Hanning-Lee
- Season Greetings from Canada Micheal Boschat
- Negative STS Observations
- Re: Negative STS Observations Ron Lee
- dim moon and flood, greeting and a my brand new site
- STS 103 and NASA TV John locker
- Re: TLE 2000 Leo Barhorst
- Shuttle+Hubble Thursday evening Texas Ed Cannon
- 99-49E (25911) Ed Cannon
- Obs Dec 23 + corrections David Brierley
- telecope observation of sats Thomas A. Troszak
- Finally, a bright Discovery pass Edward S Light
- Shuttle+HST -- Now that's more like it! Ed Cannon
- Clouds! Robert Reeves
- HST/STS-103 observed from LA area Skywise
- STS-103/HST Obs Jeff
- STS/HST obs success Robert Reeves
- Amazing STS/HST Pass Ron Lee
- STS-103/HST Obs Jeff
- sts-103/hst Paul L. Sventek
- HST w/STS David Cappellucci
- STS-103/HST observation Robert Smathers
- Shuttle, plume, and HST visible over Tucson
- STS-103 & HST; Iridium double flares Mark Hanning-Lee
- STS-103, Hubble, Holidays and Y2K Patrice Gambaro
- Re: STS-103, Hubble, Holidays and Y2K Tony Beresford
- DEC25.OBS and correction. Eberst
- Cosmos 2361 launched Alan Pickup
- Video of HST/STS-103 + water dump MALEY, PAUL D.
- Re: Cosmos 2361 launched Alan Pickup
- Decay watch: Dec 26 (C 2361 r) Alan Pickup
- SatEvo decay list #90 Alan Pickup
- shuttle spectacular from Colorado
- RE: STS-103 & HST Penny Fischer
- Re: Cosmos 2361 launched ???? John David Corby
- Decay watch: Dec 26 (C 2367 r) Alan Pickup
- Shuttle, ISS seen!
- Cosmos 2367(?) Obs
- Re: Video of water dump JAY RESPLER
- Last view of STS JAY RESPLER
- Elements of Lacrosse 2 and USA 144 Ted Molczan
- Shuttle Re-entry Steven Rogers
- satwk52 report from OIG Mike McCants
- Re: Shuttle Re-entry Steve Rogers
- STS & HST pics
- STS-103 Plasma Trail Evan Duffield
- STS entry seen in daylight Robert Reeves
- Re: STS entry seen in daylight Earl Needham
- DEC26-27.OBS Eberst
- Re: Shuttle Re-entry/NASA TV John locker
- Re: Shuttle Re-entry / NASA TV John locker
- Elements of Lacrosse 2 Ted Molczan
- Re: Shuttle Re-entry / NASA TV Chris Jeppesen
- Shuttle/HST just after release Bill T Bard
- Iridium Historical Elements - HELP
- RE: Iridium Historical Elements - HELP Ted Molczan
- Elements of Lacrosse 2, 92086C, 96038C and USA 144 Ted Molczan
- Reentry seen again MALEY, PAUL D.
- Molczan's TLE format after Dec 31 Ted Molczan
- Re: Molczan's TLE format after Dec 31 Phillip Clark
- Obs Dec 29
- Obs dec 29 Leo Barhorst
- TiPS Sue Worden
- Elements of Lacrosse 2 Ted Molczan
- Obs Dec 30
- Obs Dec 28 of 96-38C David Brierley
- TLE format 2000
- Elements of Lacrosse 2, 92086C and 96038C Ted Molczan
- Gorizont 23 and ETS-6 flash period acceleration Kurt Jonckheere
Last message date: Thu 30 Dec 1999 - 10:43:43 PST
Archived on: Thu Dec 30 1999 - 10:43:44 PST
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