Re: Decay Watch: Molniya 3-16

Alan Pickup (
Sun, 1 Feb 1998 20:44:00 +0000

This is a difficult one to call. A new elset from OIG has a silly drag
term suggesting that USSPACECOM is finding it a strain too:
Molniya 3-16                                     14794 x 99 km
1 12512U 81054A   98032.51923503 -.00466860 -22135-5 -65132-4 0   587
2 12512  62.1634  90.0662 5314741 272.5164  35.1733  5.34144091123751

Propagated to the equator crossing, this shows it 15 minutes late on the
"9057" prediction I posted earlier this (UK) evening.

It does appear that the best Q-factor to use in SatEvo is continuing to
increase. Elsets over the past 3 days fit best using a Q-factor of 0.75
and I have used one of 0.8 for the following new prediction for (only)
the next few hours:
Molniya 3-16                                     14219 x 80 km
1 12512U 81054A   98032.88694387  .29301886  22688-1  15135-2 0 90580
2 12512  62.1634  89.8394 5225721 272.5383  31.4297  5.51805563123774
Molniya 3-16                                     13873 x 80 km
1 12512U 81054A   98033.06671772  .30573700  24623-1  15296-2 0 90581
2 12512  62.1634  89.7239 5163851 272.5495  32.0081  5.62566527123785
Molniya 3-16                                     13530 x 80 km
1 12512U 81054A   98033.24305199  .31928475  26683-1  15471-2 0 90585
2 12512  62.1634  89.6075 5100910 272.5607  32.5989  5.73584489123796
Molniya 3-16                                     13190 x 80 km
1 12512U 81054A   98033.41599744  .33373845  29156-1  15656-2 0 90585
2 12512  62.1633  89.4901 5036832 272.5721  33.2036  5.84874690123800

 Alan Pickup | COSPAR site 2707:   55d53m48.7s N   3d11m51.2s W    156m asl
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