Unidentified subject!

ROB MATSON (cosmos33@ilink.nis.za)
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 00:36:57 +0100

Yesterday evening I tried to spot the following iridium:
30 Jan  21:54:33   -0    el. 35   az. 101   m.a.  2.4     Iridium 17
I saw it, but it was moving extremely slow, the slowest satelite I've 
ever seen. Is this iridium in a higher orbit? Are there any other 
iridiums up there like this one? Also, it didn't really flare and was 
approx. mag. 3.8. and moved from S to N. I just found it strange.


Bellville, Cape Town, SA. 18.38E, 33.54S, GMT +2h

From:  Cozmos <cosmos33@earthling.net>
ICQ: 2296841

It may be that your sole purpose in life 
is simply to serve as a warning to others.