Greetings all, I've been following the recent discussion about the visibility of a bright Iridium flare ellipse on the ground as seen from a plane or from space. My intuition is that it would be visible from space (though not very impressive), but probably not noticeable from an aircraft. We've all seen earthshine on a couple-day-old moon with no problem, and though the moon is a much smaller source, I'm confident that moon- shine on the earth would be easily visible from space. (An astronaut could answer that question definitively). Now the radiance of an Iridium flare reflecting off the earth would be 40 times dimmer than earth-reflected moonshine at full moon. Pretty dim, but as long as the moon wasn't also illuminating that part of the earth, the contrast would probably be sufficient. The odds improve if the "ground" happens to be a cloud top. And if the spacecraft happened to be in the right geometry, a specular flare reflection off the ocean could be even brighter. (Quite a light path: sun to satellite to ocean to second satellite!) --Rob